We wrote our first blog post on this subject a few years back, and this blog post will be our last on the topic. For more information on how to determine costs regarding software development, contact one of our PYA representatives below at (800) 270-9629. SIMPLIFYING SAAS – AN ACCOUNTING PRIMER OVERVIEW The SaaS business model continues to gain broad acceptance. Development Costs: Once a project has reached the application development stage, costs and time incurred (both internal and external) related to software configuration and interface design, coding, hardware installation, and testing with parallel processing would then be capitalized as an asset, until the time of implementation. In summary, companies that provide SaaS products can ultimately apply the guidance in ASC 350-40 if they determine that the software product provided is not physically delivered to the customer (including access to the source code), either during or at the end of the hosting period, and that it is not feasible for the customer to run the software on its own hardware. Additionally, it is determined to be unfeasible for the customer to run the software on its own hardware or that of another contracted third party. Once a company has decided what the product will be and how it will be provided to the customer, it can then work to identify which costs can be capitalized and which costs should be expensed as incurred. 2 If the CCA does not include a software license, the arrangement is a service contract, and the fees for the CCA are recorded in the same way as other SaaS expenses, generally as operating expense. Thanks for reaching out. Additionally, creating a clearly defined process that is in line with GAAP is critically important and can help to alleviate potential concerns from investors or future buyers, if a liquidity event were to occur. The practice of capitalizing software development costs in the SaaS industry has started to become the norm with many publicly traded SaaS companies following the guidance in ASC 350-40. Under FRS 10 software development costs directly attributable to bringing a computer system or other computer-operated machinery into working condition for use within the business are classified as tangible fixed assets, like part of the hardware. Software development expenses are categorized by what stage of the development … For companies required to follow ASC 985, the determination of when to capitalize costs is much more complicated and necessitates significant internal communication between the accounting and development departments. Thanks for reaching out. When it comes to supporting the capitalization of payroll expenses, ensuring that a time-tracking system is in place to capture employees’ time on a project-by-project basis is vital. coding) stage for software intended for a company's internal use. It also serves no purpose. This case should be closed. However, start-up costs for a For the reasons above, we think the original concept of capitalizing software development expenses for software companies with infrequent releases was suspect at best. Demand for applications shows no signs of decreasing, especially with benefits such as low upfront costs, acceptance by end users, faster deployment, and frequent upgrades. Register and add content to your list Start adding content to your list by clicking on the star icon included in each card The Property, plant, equipment and other assets guide helps answer your questions about accounting for PP&E and certain related assets. A second point of consideration relates to significant e… The capitalizable costs might include building the chart of accounts, designing and testing reports, etc. SaaS Capital® is the leading provider of long-term Credit Facilities to SaaS companies. However, development costs are capitalized once the “asset” being developed has met requirements of technical and commercial feasibility to signal that the intangible investment is likely to either be brought to market or sold. Such contractual stipulations and customer limitations preclude the application of ASC 985-20. Modern SaaS companies update their products constantly. Despite GAAP guidelines calling for the capitalization of certain software development expenses, our experience and the experience of our SaaS accounting partners at PlusPoint Consulting, indicates approximately 75% of SaaS businesses are no … Here is the good news. For companies that meet the requirements to follow ASC 350-40, there are three main stages of development. The implementation costs at the application development stage would be capitalized depending on their nature. Under Topic 985, the critical issue in determining whether external-use software development costs should be capitalized revolves around the term “technological feasibility.” Any software development costs that are incurred prior to the point where the project has demonstrated technological feasibility should be expensed as they are incurred. The bottom line is, despite GAAP guidelines, few SaaS businesses continue to capitalize software development expenses because it is time-consuming and actually detracts from the usability of the financial statements. The rapid pace of modern SaaS development is reflected in vernacular of the agile development methodology which referrers to “sprints.”. With SaaS you are not buying an asset that you are going to use over the useful life of that asset and one that Many companies struggle with the capitalization of internal time. A SaaS arrangement is a type of cloud computing arrangement in which the supplier (the cloud service provider) provides the customer access to application software residing on the supplier’s or a third-party’s cloud infrastructure. PYA: Healthcare Consulting, Audit & Accounting, Financial Institutions Audit, Accounting & Advisory. From a financial perspective, the The following development costs should be capitalized: Costs of materials and services in developing or obtaining the software (for both internal and external resources) However, for software obtained through a service contract, such as a SaaS arrangement, all fees were to be expensed as incurred. If you capitalize software, make sure your company has the tracking system and organization in place in order to support your capitalized costs. These activities would be essentially the same regardless of whether a particular software is being used under a license model or a SaaS model, and the capitalization criteria would be the same. Also, any training costs incurred during this stage should be expensed.” Broadly speaking, there are two stages of software development in which a company can capitalize software development costs: The application development (i.e. During this phase, internal and external costs to develop the internal-use software should be capitalized, along with costs to develop or obtain software used to access or convert old data by new systems. A company would begin to capitalize expenses when the project is deemed technologically feasible, which includes many hurdles that are subjective in nature and open to significant scrutiny. Most companies that provide Software as a Service (SaaS) products conclude that the guidance in ASC 350-40 is most appropriate. Software capitalization costs is an area in which a lot of questions arise, whether it is uncertainty on whether the underlying software is intended for internal use or to be sold, leased, or marketed, or a question of what costs can be capitalized and at what points during development. But the costs that are incurred during the preliminary project and postimplementation stages would be expensed as The Short Answer is Yes GAAP states that certain costs for both internal-use and external-use software should be capitalized. Compounding the challenge is the question of whether the method chosen impacts the value an investor or potential buyer may place on the company. Capitalized costs of developed software to be marketed or leased externally are amortized on a product-by-product basis over the greater of a) percent of current year revenues/total forecast revenues or b) thestraight-line method over the remaining estimated useful life. GAAP has rules for capitalization of software development costs. Despite GAAP guidelines calling for the capitalization of certain software development expenses, our experience and the experience of our SaaS accounting partners at PlusPoint Consulting, indicates approximately 75% of SaaS businesses are no longer capitalizing software development expenses at all. At SaaS Capital, we have a lot of respect for GAAP financial statements. This complexity exists even before the business attempts to determine how to unwind the capitalized asset over the “usable life” of the product enhancement (amortization period). In our quarterly tip, we have outlined considerations for when and why SaaS companies may choose to account for software development costs as an operating expense or capital expenditure. Thus, because software development costs are similar to, but may not necessarily constitute, research and experimentation expenditures under Sec. That said, when it comes to the capitalization of software development costs, GAAP has it dead wrong. As a result, software development costs are recorded as an asset in a process called capitalized expenditure. Part two will outline how this selection might be perceived from an investor or valuation perspective. This is because the product is provided to customers through a hosting arrangement, and the associated contract with the customer is structured to not allow the customer the contractual right to take physical possession of the software or to access the source code at any time during the hosting period without significant penalty. The tracking of development costs quickly gets convoluted and relatively arbitrary, and the more costs that are capitalized, the farther the GAAP books drift from the actual cost of running the business. EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) is useful in valuing a company but it certainly does not equal “cash flow.” EBITDA was invented as a way to value companies on an ‘apples-to-applies’ basis; it eliminates the impact of balance sheet choices and different tax rates. In practice, however, these criteria are not met very often in SAAS arrangements. Until recently, most organizations that purchased and implemented a new accounting system would capitalize the costs associated with the application development stage … In this installment, we discuss factors to consider when selecting the appropriate method. We think GAAP financials generally do a better job than cash-based financial statements in reflecting the underlying financial performance of a SaaS business. Training costs are not internal-use software development costs and, if incurred during this stage, shall be expensed as incurred. The infrastructure comprises a collection of hardware and software, including network, servers, operating systems and storage. So, during the product development phase, the salary expenses of the developers were not expensed, but rather they were capitalized and put on the balance sheet. Why SaaS businesses should not capitalize software development expenses. Easily identifiable are four strategies that businesses can capitalize on to take advantage of this application phenomenon. Existing companies that historically … The process also typically results in the need to track developer’s time by hour and by project. One point of consideration is that if you capitalize your company’s software development costs, management must be able to support these capitalized costs with hard numbers, spreadsheets, and the logic behind it all. IFRS Spotlight September 2018 Accounting for cloud-based software Historically, companies acquiring IT and other infrastructure have only faced one decision - buy or lease? Post-Implementation Costs: Once implementation has occurred, activities related to training, maintenance, or bug fixes are expensed as research and development costs incurred. Planning Costs: During the preliminary project stage, when expenses are incurred related to concept formation and determining technological needs, all costs are to be expensed as research and development. The rules depend on whether the developed software will be used internally or sold externally. Daily updates are not uncommon, and products are continually evolving and morphing to meet the demands of the users and the competitive landscape. When developing software for customers, companies face the challenging question of which costs should be expensed and which should be capitalized. Consulting a CFO advisor would net in a set of points to evaluate along the following lines. GAAP is the standard, and if your numbers are not based on GAAP, then they do not actually conform to a standard at all. The typical time from first “hello” to funding is just 5 weeks. The payroll costs of those … Under this construct, accountants decided the costs being incurred to develop the products would be better “matched” to the revenue once the product was released for sale. If you are the CEO or CFO of a SaaS business, you should push back against any effort by your accountant to force you to capitalize any software development expenses. A challenge for companies, specifically those who develop software, is the decision to record development time and costs as an asset or expense. Coordination between the development and accounting teams is crucial in determining what costs should be capitalized and what costs should be expensed, regardless of the GAAP chosen. Before the emergence of the SaaS business model, most software firms would make major product releases every few years. This is an area where SaaS Development costs under both IFRS and GAAP require the demonstration of probable future economic benefits and costs, which can be consistently measured, for recognition as intangible assets. That is all fine and good, but... SaaS Capital explores the key SaaS metrics: net revenue retention, gross revenue retention, customer count retention, monthly churn, and cohort analysis. We have seen the audited financial statement of hundreds of SaaS businesses, and software development expenses do not have to be capitalized to be GAAP compliant. However, in the event the software development company intends to sell, lease, or otherwise market the software externally, and the customer is given physical access to the software or source code and the software is installed on the customer’s hardware, then the software development company would follow the guidance in ASC 985-20. So even if you do not fully buy into the arguments below, your SaaS company is in the minority if it is still capitalizing software development expenses. The accounting guidance specifies 3 stages of internal-use software development and during which stages capitalization is required. Development costs incurred in the development of software help in the production of revenues across multiple time periods. 174, the IRS prescribes three methods of accounting for treating computer You can contact me at 800-270-9629. Hi there, I work for a SaaS company and we are capitalizing development costs in line with ASC 350-40. Could some one please direct me to some material and/or literature that deals with determining the # of years to amortize i.e. FASB has issued guidance for capitalizing costs associated with implementation of cloud computing systems. This addresses which costs should be capitalized, including the cost to acquire the license and the related implementation costs. Data conversion costs, except as noted in paragraph 350-40-25-3, shall be expensed as incurred. SaaS Capital™ pioneered alternative lending to SaaS. Managers and investors add back the capitalized costs and the amortization expenses to get a clearer view of the company’s profitability anyway. Capitalization of internal-use software costs is an area where companies often misapply GAAP (Codification Topic 350-40). The costs of data conversion, however, should be expensed. We can make quick decisions. In deciding the appropriate accounting guidance, a company must first determine what the final product will ultimately be and how it will be provided to the customer. Since 2007 we have spoken to thousands of companies, reviewed hundreds of financials, and funded 60+ companies. Requirement - technically, to conform to GAAP you should be capitalizing As a result, the related software development costs would typically be within the scope of ASC 350-40 because the software is considered to be for The following development phase costs should be capitalized: External direct costs of material and services consumed in developing or obtaining internal-use software Payroll and related costs for employees who devote time to and are directly associated with the project The 2015 update had no guidance for implementation costs, which can be just as substantial for a Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) currently provide two methods to account for software development costs: Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 350-40: Internal-Use Software and ASC 985-20: Costs of Software to Be Sold, Leased, or Marketed. Only the following costs can be capitalized: Materials and services consumed in the development effort, such as third party development fees, software purchase costs, and travel costs related to development work. In this fast-paced and granular development world, the idea of breaking down developer work efforts into pre- and post-technical feasibility, then deciding what work is an enhancement vs. a modification, then deciding the useful life of the enhancement, and then recording all these costs separately on the books is absurd. The accounting gets more complicated in practice because only the expenses incurred after the product is deemed “technically feasible” are capitalized, and then, just the costs of building “enhancements,” not “modifications” are capitalized. UITF 29 applies the above principles in FRS 10 to website development costs (not website planning costs that cannot be capitalised) requiring that all such costs should be classified as tangible fixed assets. When developing software for customers, companies face the challenging question of which costs should be expensed and which should be capitalized. I don't think there is a "straight" way to make a subscription expense a CAPEX. For SaaS businesses today, however, capitalization makes no sense at all. I think Phil’s previous answer is obviously the correct starting point. SaaS arrangements are prevalent across all sectors and are expected to contin… the methodology to be followed by the Management to determine the # of years? Even if audited, outside accountants faced with well-reasoned arguments from their clients, are no longer requiring capitalization. This gives the benefit that “successful” R&D is capitalized on the balance sheet, as opposed to expensed. You can contact me at 865-673-0844. During the software development stage, some costs should be capitalized, and some costs should not be. 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