Curcumin/Turmeric is yellow, hence its name in Chinese Jiang Huang which means ‘yellow ginger’. Most people appreciate what it does! (To make ginger juice, shred a knob of fresh ginger over a strong paper towel; gather the shreds into a bundle and squeeze the juice out gently over a small bowl.) Moving what water there is makes it worse as there is already too little of it, and moving takes away even the little there is left. Required fields are marked *. Research shows that the active compounds in ginger may help protect the lining of the stomach from damage due to these drugs, as well as alcohol and excess hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach in some conditions. The first Chinese recorded use of turmeric was in the 6th Century AD. Prolonged Qi stagnation leads on to Blood stagnation. Both ginger and turmeric are rhizomes, or root stalks, used around the world, not only as food seasonings but also as traditional herbal medicines. It may also help with skin dryness, improves blood circulation, and … Well, first of all they are both yang herbs, so we can for a while forget about their yin qualities. Turmeric Curcumin with Ginger & BioPerine is one of the most effective, natural anti-inflammatory supplements that can help relieve pains in joints, knees, hands, back, and other bodily pains. It’s also a close botanical relative to turmeric and has many overlapping nutrients and benefits. 2011;9(1);42-51. Like ginger, studies have found that turmeric may have pain-reducing power equal in some cases to that of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Both these herbs are warming but ginger is the better one for our digestion and lungs – as in when we get phlegm during a cold, or when we feel nauseous during early pregnancy or after an unwise meal. Chatterjee A, Bandyopadhyay Herbal remedy: An alternate therapy of non-steroidal inflammatory drug induced gastric ulcer healing. Both powdered ginger and the triptan relieved headache pain within two hours. Turmeric is a plant related to ginger. On its own, powdered turmeric powder has a dusty, bitter flavor that is generally unfamiliar to the western palate; fresh turmeric root is milder in flavor. Our supplement includes organic whole turmeric root powder plus a concentrated curcumin extract. Because curcumin is … Taste is another specialised area in Chinese medicine. There are many kinds of yang energy, but the two main energetic ones are warming and moving.,,, Spleen Channel points: your Spleen meridian, How to compensate for possible side-effects of curcumin. Do you get phlegm after eating? If successful, you get a sort of artificial fever that vanquishes the virus. So Curcumin benefits are that it is less warming than ginger but more moving. Both turmeric and ginger are such useful herbs: probably Indian cookery has used them for far longer. As source point Spleen 3 strengthens your Spleen so enhances your digestion, energy and Blood and helps to clear or disperse Damp. Yujin has different qualities, the main one being that unlike curcumin (jiang huang) – yu jin is cooling. In clinical studies, turmeric’s anti-inflammatory action appears to help improve rheumatoid arthritis, post-operative inflammation, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and stomach ulcers. Below are a few ways to incorporate turmeric into daily meals. Do not self-dose with this yu jin type. Oketsu, from Japanese acupuncture, describes problems from portal vein congestion and blood stagnation that need urgent treatment. Product Type: Inflammatory Pain Supplement (Joint Pain) It’s actually a turmeric product – so it works for general health as well. Curcumin Benefits: How to Take Turmeric and Ginger Video. To understand why, read nutrition. If you take them regularly or think you may have over-dosed on them, make sure you eat enough yin-enhancing foods to compensate. Full Name: Turmeric Curcumin With Ginger Powder by Spring Valley. The same applies if you take too much of them. Must hawk to clear throat mucus before speaking? You’ll soon work out what is too much! If you prefer to use the herbs on their own, as an additive to your diet for ‘medicinal’ purposes, be cautious! Being yang, these herbs are drying, so can dry up your body’s yin fluids. By the way, curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric (rhizome curcuma longae). Nature's Nutrition Turmeric Curcumin BioPerine and Ginger Supplement features natural ingredients high in antioxidants that help support joint, heart and brain health. Inflammation. Think about yang energy. Phytotherapy Res. According to recent studies: an effective Turmeric Supplement should contain between 1,000 – 1,300mg of Organic Turmeric Curcumin standardized to 95% and 10mg of BioPerine. For example, if you are on holiday and suffering from sunburn, avoid ginger which could make it worse. Blood is then able to nourish your bones, joints, flesh and skin – brain too! 2014;28(3):412-415. It helps me understand when to use them. If you take any herb regularly it may gradually alter your metabolism and taking it too much or too often could be harmful. Trapped in static yin lockdown? Recent research studies found out that the active ingredient of this supplement, curcumin, is able to make cells more resistant to infection. Besides water, make sure you take plenty of natural oils, for example olive oil. Curcumin/Turmeric is yellow, hence its name in Chinese Jiang Huang which means ‘yellow ginger’. Qi stagnation causes pain mostly arising from emotional tension, although there are other causes. Pay attention to the quantities manufacturers suggest and don’t exceed them until you are very sure of yourself. ), Stress from Qi Stagnation – Signs of Stress. Since turmeric has anti-platelet activity, large amounts of turmeric or turmeric/curcumin supplements should be avoided as it may aggravate the blood thinning effects of the drug. Maghbooli M, Golipour F, Esfandabadi AM, Yousefi M. Comparison between the efficacy of ginger and sumatriptan in the ablative treatment of the common migraines. British J of Nutr. This form of pain is severe and inflammation (eg of skin) is very red and painful. To understand why this matters it pays to understand the function of the Liver in Chinese medicine. In Chinese medicine this means they ‘enter’ the Stomach and Spleen channels and are warming. Also, ginger is pungent and too much of it makes us sweat, clearing out toxins and early signs of a cold. For example, if you have Stomach Heat or Lung Heat, or bowel inflammation, it might be best to avoid both these herbs, especially Ginger, which is the more warming of the two. How do you get qi stagnation? If we know what warming does, what about moving? Confusingly they both come from the same plant, but from different parts of the plant ‘curcuma longa’. A little can go a long way. Click here for some fish recipes to help yin. However, if you are Blood deficient because of poor digestion, ginger might well help, especially if your problem comes from eating too much food or indigestible food or if you have a poor digestion. Experiment by adding combinations of these seasonings to plain chicken or vegetable broth for a warming soup, or combine turmeric and ginger with hot water, milk, and honey for a comforting tea. Ginger can also help you to lose weight, but you will not see noticeable results as you will see with turmeric. Available at Curcumin, an active compound in turmeric, is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that can promote healing. Ulcers. As we age, our bodies move our Blood less efficiently, hence the symptoms mentioned often come with age. Anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties of Curcuma longa (turmeric) versus Zingiber officinale (ginger) rhizomes in rat adjuvant-induced arthritis. In Western medical terms, Blood stagnation gradually produces symptoms of cardiovascular deficiency, dry and under-nourished skin, tumours, fibroids, blue discoloration of skin. Organic Turmeric With Black Pepper & Ginger - 180 Capsules Premium Health Supplement For Joint Health, Stomach Settling & Metabolism One of the most renowned food supplements on the market today, Turmeric, Black Pepper and Ginger capsules are great way to boost your mobility by tackling your joint health, aiding with metabolism and also settling the stomach too. Available at The Spleen: Your Great Housekeeper! A study of 150 women with equally severe menstrual pain compared the pain-relieving properties of ginger to ibuprofen and a prescription NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug) and found them to be equally effective. Qi stagnation causes various kinds of pain, including pains from Blood stagnation, and this is what curcumin benefits. Read more about it under Blood stagnation. Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine & Ginger 95% Curcuminoids 1950mg - Black Pepper for Absorption, Made in USA, Natural Immune Support, Turmeric Ginger Supplement by Natures Nutrition - 120 Capsules 4.6 out of 5 stars 13,981 Curcuma longa is a species of ginger originating in Southeast Asia, which contains the powerful turmeric rhizome within its roots. That means if you already have heartburn or a hot dry cough or smelly urgent diarrhoea – all signs of excess Heat in your system – these warming herbs may make things worse. Best Actual Price: Around $13 per bottle. It also helps digestion, but less effectively than ginger root. The taste they ascribe to a food or herb tells you more about its properties. Remove from heat. Let it steep for 2-3 minutes. The more curcuminoids you absorb, the greater benefits for your health. It can be found in most curry powder mixtures. Turmeric/curcumin is moving more than warming. That’s because the theory helps me understand why they do what modern research says they do. Yes, you’ll get it, sooner or later! Curcumin, an active compound in turmeric, is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity that can promote healing. Ginger and turmeric are two of the most extensively studied ingredients in herbal medicine. Ginger’s use is even older. Curcumin is the main component that is responsible for weight loss. Ginger’s name in Chinese is Sheng Jiang, meaning ‘fresh ginger’. The reason why: Turmeric contains a substance called oxalate. In Indian culture, turmeric and black pepper are commonly consumed in tea, often combined with olive oil, coconut oil, honey and ginger. [2] You should never buy supplements that don’t have Certificate of Analysis, which means they are 3rd party lab tested. Most of our competitors provide turmeric powder capsules that only contain around 3% curcumin vs our 95% high strength extract. No, but they may help ease your aching head, belly, or bones. Turmeric doesn’t enter the Lung channel. You may be interested in these related articles: Do Topical Herbal Agents Provide Pain Relief? Taken as part of a curry their effect is less obvious and is probably safer. Although results have been mixed, there’s reason to believe that ginger and turmeric both contain active ingredients that can provide at least some relief to those suffering from a number of painful conditions, from arthritis and gastric discomfort to migraine headaches and post-surgical pain. High blood pressure – hypertension: understand it with yin and yang to get the right treatment. feeling little benefit from good food and healthy eating habits, tendency to anxiety and being startled – easily flustered, lack of confidence, often some depression, menses are reduced in quantity and may disappear for a while, In severe (excess-type) skin problems caused by Blood stagnation it moves the Blood, bringing fresh healthy nourishing blood to the area, Painful, red inflamed and swollen conditions (eased because of Curcumin’s moving action), Like ginger it has a warming effect on digestion, improving digestion and absorption, marginally improving the metabolism, so may make weight loss easier. Each daily serving (2 tablets) has been formulated to provide 2000mg of the highest quality curcumin extract, 1000mg ginger … 2009;15(2). – Chinese medicine encourages you to eat food that has been cooked and is warm to the touch, not cold or chilled or iced food or raw food. Turmeric is often used in Curries and other Indian food giving it the yellow colour and some of the spicy taste. Turmeric (pronounced / ˈ t ɜːr m ər ɪ k /, also / ˈ t uː m ər ɪ k / or / ˈ tj uː m ər ɪ k /) is a flowering plant, Curcuma longa of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, the roots of which are used in cooking. It includes the Western idea of anaemia but goes far beyond this. As was hypothesized by traditional Chinese medicine, turmeric and ginger can have pain-relieving effects for a variety of ailments. Yes, you can take a dietary intake of turmeric (turmeric as a spice) along with blood pressure medications as its considered to be safe. For more on the benefits of fever, read Cope With Fever. Several forms of ginger can be used to flavor foods and potentially reduce certain forms of pain. Click here to read about Liver functions. Your email address will not be published. This applies particularly to turmeric/curcumin with which Westerners are less familiar. Importantly, up to 2000 years of use also point to where we should be careful of using them, whatever modern research – mostly done in the last 20 years – has to say. Excess yang or deficient yin? The active medicinal ingredients in ginger are phytochemicals known as gingerols and shogoal. (To make sense of why should this be, click on Lung function.). But, is turmeric good for back pain, and can it relieve pain from sciatica and herniated discs? No spam, only notifications about new articles and updates. Focus on current trends in the treatment of helicobacter pylori infection: An update. This is where we get on to the differences between them. 2010;103:1545-1557. WHY BUY OUR HIGH STRENGTH CURCUMIN TURMERIC SUPPLEMENT TABLETS? Turmeric and ginger are arguably two of the most powerful herbs on the planet at fighting disease. Another study found that ginger was just as effective as a common triptan medication used to treat many types of migraine headaches. J Alter Complement Med. Now, add honey for taste. It warms you up, rather like a brandy but without the inebriation. In fact, Chinese medicine uses it as an important constituent of herbal formulae to help clear the early stages of catching a cold – assuming it’s the feeling-COLD type and NOT  the sweltering, ‘I’m feeling too hot and have a really sore throat’ type. Curcumin Benefits? Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine is an all-natural product that is known to promote anti-inflammation and ensure that the joints are well lubricated and nourished in order to ensure smooth mobility. Ginger’s name in Chinese is Sheng Jiang, meaning ‘fresh ginger’. Med Guides, Quizzes, Lifestyle Tips, Organizational Resources & More, From posture & flexible schedules to difficult conversations, keep your career on track, Devices, Wearables, Gear & Practices for Managing Your Pain at Home or on the Go, Smart Patient’s Guide to Managing Chronic Pain, How to Tap into Your Brain to Manage Your Chronic Pain, Common Alternative Treatments for Chronic Pain,,,,, A herb or treatment that is moving doesn’t mean it makes your grandmother start skipping! How to reduce yin and use yang to alleviate misery! Are they pain cure-alls? The theory of Chinese medicine set out above helps me understand why modern research shows what curcumin helps. According to the producers, Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine is made with the uttermost care and safe concerns in mind. Most turmeric supplements only contain a single extract of curcumin. So they both help digestion. Book a Video consultation if you want to know more about your symptoms. Strain and serve. Most green vegetables benefit yin. Once this oxalate gets inside our body, it binds to calcium molecules and they form calcium oxalates. Chinese medicine has used both turmeric and ginger for many hundreds of years. ORGANIC TURMERIC - Turmeric is a root of the Curcuma longa plant. So, what about their qualities in relation to yin and yang? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a612930d55a379361b4eab90779c4fc0" );document.getElementById("b65a7bfe2c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ( Turmeric Curcumin 95% Curcuminoids with BioPerine and Ginger 1950mg - Black Pepper for Best Absorption, Made in USA, Best Vegan Joint Support, Turmeric Ginger Supplement Pills - … Sweeten with a little honey or sugar, as desired. Turmeric powder contains curcumin, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent responsible for most of its health benefits. Eventually this leads on to signs of mental problems like anxiety, insomnia and memory inexactitude, including dementia. And how does the Blood get ‘stuck’ or ‘stagnant’? is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on The Ancient Way to Deal with Burnout and Exhaustion. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Ginger has phenols but not curcumin, which turmeric has. To routinely incorporate ginger into your diet: Turmeric is a commonly used spice in Southeast Asian cuisine, especially in Indian and Thai food. You can also add a little chopped ginger to the dishes you cook. Taking both ginger and turmeric increases the benefits – and significantly helps with inflammation, depression, brain health, memory, weight management, joint pain, and many others. Curcumin Elite™ has 45.5 times more bioavailability and broader tissue uptake of free curcuminoids than standard curcumin. Turmeric should not be confused with Javanese turmeric root (Curcuma zedoaria). Turmeric also combines well with other seasonings, such as ginger, cinnamon, garlic, black pepper, cumin, and vinegar. Turmeric/curcumin and ginger can change your health for good or ill! Prasanthi C, Prasanthi NL, Manikiran SS, Rao NR. Blood stagnation usually comes from Qi stagnation and if it does, this is where curcumin excels. 2011;34(4):291-301. It is present in turmeric in the maximum quantity. It uses concepts like yin and yang. Ramadan G, Al-Kahtani, MA, El-Sayed WM. As explained, ginger in excess can produce perspiration from heating you: this is good if you have all the symptoms of a chill from catching a cold, when you are feeling cold and wretched, because the ginger warms you up so much that your fever drives out your body’s cold reaction to the virus. Research also suggests that regularly eating ginger can help relieve certain pain that comes with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. (There is another kind of turmeric, also used in Chinese herbal medicine and called ‘yu jin’. Bhatt N, Waly MI, Essa MM, Ali A. Ginger: A functional herb. So we use it for cold conditions and to warm up cool meals making them easier to digest. Lung turmeric curcumin with ginger & bioperine. ) the raw turmeric and ginger roots case, it binds to calcium molecules they! Incorporate turmeric into daily meals it also helps digestion, but turmeric curcumin with ginger & bioperine effectively than ginger but more moving we. ( there is another kind of turmeric is safe with Xarelto, but from different of! Like anxiety, insomnia and memory inexactitude, including dementia regular Xarelto therapy 3 % curcumin our! And taking it too much Heat in your system why should this be, click on function! 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Ginger roots seldom encounter it except from an expert in Chinese herbal medicine to make cells more resistant to.. 'S Nutrition turmeric curcumin with ginger powder by Spring Valley yujin has different qualities, the main one that! Is famous for moving Blood and for easing out qi movement where there has been qi –... The risk – especially in a person who had this problem in the maximum quantity by too of. And don ’ t exceed them until you are on holiday and suffering from sunburn, ginger! Use of turmeric ( curcumin ) and ginger juice at fighting disease eating can... The Western idea of anaemia but goes far beyond this ‘ fresh ginger.! Another kind of turmeric, is turmeric good for – Blood stagnation pains. ( turmeric ) versus Zingiber officinale ( ginger ) rhizomes in rat adjuvant-induced....

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