When you're shopping around for plants, steer clear of Wisteria sinensis and Wisteria floribunda; they're native to China and Japan, respectively, and both are invasive in several areas of the U.S. Cutting is effective to suppress the strangulation of desired plantings. Two cultivars that have been giving good results are ‘Blue Moon’ and ‘Aunt Dee’, and they can be considered bud hardy to USDA zone 3 (AgCan zone 4). Kentucky Wisteria Macrostachya “Blue Moon”: One of the most reliable even in northern climates, pale purple blooms several times between early and mid-summer. I planted them 1-7-19 after I nicked & soaked them overnight. Weed Research. I fell in love with some photos of the Blue Moon Wisteria online ( It seemed like it'd grow well in Central Michigan also) and was about to put in an order and then I started reading about how invasive the vine was and how destructive the roots could be. More wisteria planting pros to consider include the fact that it is a cinch to grow and adaptable to nearly any soil types. The United States Department of Agriculture zone 3 can drop to -30 or even -40 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 to -40 C.). There are cultivars of both species that have white blossoms. I will keep my fingers … Needless to say, my neighbors are not happy. This problem can be reduced if we refuse to purchase or plant these invasive species, and by politely informing your local nursery or garden center that this plant is highly invasive and that you will not shop at their places of business while they continue to sell invasive plants. As it gets colder, the vine will drop its bloom and leaves and it will look like a barren warren of branches. A combination of control treatments (manual, mechanical, chemical) is often the most effective and reduces potential negative impacts. Leaves & stems: Woody vines with alternate, pinnately compound leaves about one foot in length. This native wisteria species will enthrall you with up to three successive bloom times each growing season! Common Name: Wisteria, Kentucky Wisteria, blue moon Wisteria macrostachya, sometimes commonly called Kentucky wisteria, is a deciduous vine that is a less aggressive (invasive) grower with longer inflorescences than some of the other wisterias, and it is well … Visit the Resources Tab for links to more detailed control information. Rep. SRS–62. top of my neighbors pine trees. Overview. Ornamental perennial vine in the legume family with lavender colored clusters of pea-like flowers. For more information on the use of prescribed fire as a control for wisteria, visit the USDA Forest Service. Lavender blue flowers occur in foot long clusters. Wisteria vines can climb over existing vegetation and topple large trees, creating canopy gaps that further favor infestations. Should it be planted away from building foundation structures?? Similar species: American wisteria, Wisteria frutescens, is native to the southeast United States. Invasive Chinese and Japanese Wisteria. Look for a winter-hardy variety of wisteria, such as Blue Moon of the wisteria floribunda species, which should withstand the winters and come back beautifully in the spring. Search. Improve soil quality, drainage and pH by digging in 2 to 4 inches of peat moss or compost at planting time. So it is supposed to bloom, like Faulkner's did, more than once a year. Ideal for arching over gateways and entries, or along the top of a wall. Full sun is needed for best flowering. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. Although wisteria flowers can technically be found in North America, they're actually considered an invasive species because they aren't native to this continent. This plant has landed itself on my list of 10 most invasive plants for Jul 27, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Joanne Fung. It’s an easy vine to grow. Wisteria floribunda, W. Sinensis. The hardiest of wisteria. A few of the smaller buds did survive--even though my cultivar, 'Blue Moon,' is actually descended from one of those southern types, Wisteria macrostachya or Kentucky wisteria. Vines … ‘Blue Moon’ is a cultivar from Minnesota and has small fragrant clusters of periwinkle blue flowers. Perhaps that’s why this selection was so named; I don’t know. The hardiest wisteria, so far, is Wisteria 'Blue Moon' introduced by Rice Creek Gardens in Blaine, MN. Blue Moon Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'): Blue-purple flowers. Once matured, look for your w… Flowers: Showy and fragrant pea-like flowers borne on large, dangling racemes (clusters). Growing to heights of up to 25 feet and 6-8 feet wide, be sure to provide this fast growing vine with something to climb on such as a trellis, fence or pergola. Best grown in slightly acidic, humusy, moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Fire as a means of control needs greater research. Kentucky Wisteria Macrostachya “Blue Moon”: One of the most reliable even in northern climates, pale purple blooms several times between early and mid-summer. ... 'Blue Moon' Kentucky Wisteria Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' is an extra-hardy selection with clusters of silvery-blue flowers in late spring and often again in summer. 10(4): 379-395. As an alternative, consider growing the less invasive American wisteria (Wisteria frutescens). The most common varieties of these two species are Amethyst Falls and Blue Moon. by Ecosystem Gardener | Nov 18, 2020 | Invasive Plants, Plants. However, in some states, they are considered an invasive species. Gen. Tech. Cloaks shade arbors and structures. How far will the roots reach/grow out from its base? View wisteria photos in our photo gallery! Regeneration of trees and understory vegetation is decreased by smothering and shading. Due to the climbing habit, it can reach considerable heights and is often used as a hedge. The Blue Moon Wisteria (Wisteria Macrostachya 'Blue Moon') is a vine that produces large, drooping clusters of blue flowers. Found extensively throughout the eastern U.S., Chinese wisteria has been reported to be invasive in at least 19 states from Massachusetts to Illinois south to Texas. Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/ [2013, July 29]. Sorry. Wisteria is a genus of 10 species of twining, usually woody vines of the pea family (Fabaceae). | Credit: Steve Bender. Two studies in the southeastern U.S. found 82-96% of wisteria collections were hybrids of W. sinensis and W. floribunda (W. x formosa).. Other names for Japanese Wisteria, Wisteria floribunda include: Common names: fuji; Noda-fuji; Chinese wisteria I got 6 'Blue Moon' wisteria seeds from AudreyDee in the NFSR Swap Dec. 2018. Exciting native species improved to dependably bloom up to three times in a single growing season. This vine needs space and a sturdy support structure on which to grow. There is another local nursery that sells the plant for $12.00. Blue Moon Wisteria For The Tree Center. Wisteria macrostachya - Kentucky Wisteria. Wisteria prefers full sun, but established vines will persist and reproduce in partial shade. Also give these a look: Response to: What’s Invasive? ? This is especially a problem in the warmer Southern states, where native ecosystems are being wiped out in the path of this aggressive and fast-spreading invasive plant. Blue Moon Wisteria. You may plant in the ground or in pots, but during the winter months, bring the pots in and cover the in-ground vines with mulch and plastic for extra protection. This plant is sprouting up everywhere, pulling down fences, arbors, backyard sheds, and even some buildings in its path. Most gardeners are unaware of the wide range of characteristics offered by Wisteria species and their cultivars in terms of bloom season, fragrance, length of flower clusters (racemes), flower colors, fall foliage. USDA Forest Service, Southern Region, National Forests in Florida, September 2000, Protection Report R8-PR 47. You may plant in the ground or in pots, but during the winter months, bring the pots in and cover the in-ground vines with mulch and plastic for extra protection. Perhaps that’s why this selection was so named; I don’t know. Plants also have runners or stolons that run horizontally across the ground, which give rise to new plants. “Aunt Dee” Kentucky Wisteria : Fuller, plumper blooms a little lighter in color than “Blue Moon;” also hardy in northern zones. Wisteria frutescens, commonly known as American wisteria, is a woody, deciduous, perennial climbing vine, one of various wisterias of the family Fabaceae. Call 1-888-936-7463 (TTY Access via relay - 711) from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Invasives_Topic Contact_Invasive Species Coordinator, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Invasive Plants of Eastern United States; Invasive.org, Plant Conservation Alliance's Alien Plant Working Group, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Common names: fuji; Noda-fuji; Chinese wisteria. This is another selection of an American (native) wisteria vine, the so-called Kentucky wisteria, Wisteria frutescens var macrostachya ’Blue Moon.’ Typing that brings an early recording by Elvis of "Blue Moon of Kentucky" to mind. Chinese Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis) and it’s relative Japanese Wisteria (Wisteria foribunda) are landing squarely on the Most Hated Invasive Plants list.. One of my neighbors across the street has this plant in his yard. The recommendation for wisteria was based upon this literature review [PDF] developed by the department. It climbs to 25 feet. Wisteria is undoubtedly the ‘Queen of Vines’, and a well-grown plant in full-bloom is a sight not easily forgotten. Wisteria is undoubtedly the ‘Queen of Vines’, and a well-grown plant in full-bloom is a sight not easily forgotten. Even native wisteria, which is less invasive than Japanese wisteria, tends to be aggressive and can destroy paint or crawl under siding. Cloaks shade arbors and structures. Vines can grow 15 to 25 feet long and produce 6 to 12 inch racemes of scented pea-like flowers which appear in June. July to September for successive years when regrowth appears --Transline as a 0.5% solution in water (2 ounces per 3-gallon mix) when safety to surrounding vegetation is desired. The destruction of native ecosystems means that habitat for birds, butterflies, pollinators, and many insects and other wildlife has been wiped out, leaving them no place to make their homes. Also known as Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria, this is an excellent American Wisteria vine for large, sturdy, free-standing arbors, pergolas, posts, trellises, fences or terrace walls. I am not familiar with this particular wisteria, but in general they are invasive and need a very good support for the weight of the vine when it is full grown. This species is not commonly reported in the nursery trade. The vine curls tightly around the trees and shrubs that it’s climbing, eventually girdling and killing these trees. Passion Flower Vine. 1g Price: $ 20.99. 93 p. Stone, Katharine R. 2009. They are much better behaved in the landscape and … 4 Reviews Add Your Review. Wisterias are native to China, Korea, and Japan but are widely cultivated in other regions for their attractive growth habit and beautiful profuse flowers. Blue Moon Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'): Blue-purple flowers. Yes, the root system of a wisteria is very aggressive. Not so with Blue Moon Wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon'). 2007. Wisteria ‘Summer Cascade’ is the first wisteria proven hardy to zone 3. Vivid, fragrant, blue-lavender flowers attract beneficials while resisting deer. Native to the east coast from Virginia to Florida and Texas, American Wisteria, while vigorous, is less invasive than the Asian species. The hardiest of wisteria. Genetic analyses have shown that most naturalized plants are hybrids of Chinese and Japanese wisteria. Flowering occurs when the foliage is well developed, so that the blooms are hidden by the foliage. Lavender blue flowers occur in foot long clusters. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Pods are 4-6 inches in length, narrowing at the base and constricting each individual seed. Amethyst Falls Wisteria is a non-invasive American type (Wisteria frutescens). What you need to do is cut off the vines close to the ground. This is the time to cut wisteria back. Just in my neighborhood, the cost of this destruction is huge. Nonnative invasive plants of southern forests: a field guide for identification and control. This is most effective on smaller populations or as preliminary treatment for impenetrable populations. July to October for successive years when regrowth appears -- Tordon 101 as a 3% solution (12 ounces per 3-gallon mix), Tordon K as a 2% solution (8 ounces per 3-gallon mix), or Garlon 4 as a 4% solution (15 ounces per 3-gallon mix). Blue Moon Wisteria Tree Plant. Wisteria can grow up to 10 feet a year, … I would like to grow this Americanized version in an unsightly tree in my front yard. By the 19th (day 12) five sprouted & grew fast. One of my neighbors across the street has this plant in his yard. This deciduous vine is native to the swampy lowlands of the southern USA, and can be grown in hardiness zones 3-9 (most wisteria is only hardy down to zone 5). Today, it is not widely grown. Chatwith customer service M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. © Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | Site requirements | Accessibility | Legal | Privacy | Employee resources, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. ‘Blue Moon’ is an extra-hardy cultivar of native Kentucky wisteria, with showy, silvery-blue clusters. This is another selection of an American (native) wisteria vine, the so-called Kentucky wisteria, Wisteria frutescens var macrostachya ’Blue Moon.’ Typing that brings an early recording by Elvis of "Blue Moon of Kentucky" to mind. Long-lived vines grow into dense infestations, spreading from horticultural plantings. Today, 1-29th, I transplanted the five plants that are already 5" & have several leaves into a little bigger pots. That's why some mistake it for the invasive cultivar, but we only sell the native, non-invasive variety. that the trouble can start. Common Name: Wisteria, Kentucky Wisteria, blue moon Wisteria macrostachya, sometimes commonly called Kentucky wisteria, is a deciduous vine that is a less aggressive (invasive) grower with longer inflorescences than some of the other wisterias, and it is well … It is perennial plant that can survive from 50 to 100 years or even longer. Beautiful Blue trusses. Additionally, wisteria is easy to propagate from cuttings. ... Japanese wisteria has white, blue, lavender and violet clusters of flowers that can grow well over 3 feet long. Blue Moon Wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’) is a selected cultivar of Kentucky wisteria known for its cold-hardiness and stunning lavender-blue trailing flowers. Aunt Dee Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya 'Aunt Dee'): Flowers are light purple with a light fragrance. Regular wisteria vines are not particularly hardy, and can be difficult to train because they are such rampant growers, but one, the Blue Moon Wisteria, is a gift to growers in cold areas. It's an American wisteria cultivar and less aggressive than the Chinese wisteria and starts blooming during June and late spring. Telling People What They Can’t Plant In Their Yards, Chinese Lespedeza makes “Most Hated Plants” List, Oriental Bittersweet on Most Hated Plants List, What makes a plant invasive? The 6th one just sprouted overnight. Two cultivars that have been giving good results are ‘Blue Moon’ and ‘Aunt Dee’, and they can be considered bud hardy to USDA zone 3 (AgCan zone 4). Wisteria is a toxic plant. They are much better behaved in the landscape and beautiful! Wisteria Blue Moon $ 29 Wisteria frutescens Longwood Purple $ 29 Wisteria Kate's Dwarf $ 29 Sold Out Wisteria frutescens Amethyst Falls $ 29 Sold Out ... We only offer native Wisteria, not the invasive exotic species. Recommended foliar herbicide procedures (from Miller, 2003): Thoroughly wet all leaves with one of the following herbicides in water with a surfactant. The native American wisteria cultivar 'Amethyst Falls' has deep blue/purple flowers and blooms in the spring and summer. Keep cutting back these sprouts until you have effectively starved the root system. Genetic analyses have shown that most naturalized plants are hybrids of Chinese and Japanese wisteria. that the trouble can start. I know I was born in Kentucky mid 1940’s so add to the mix. This plant has landed itself on my list of 10 most invasive plants for Jul 27, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Joanne Fung. Because of this rapid growth and dense shade, native canopy trees, understory trees, and shrubs can be smothered or killed beneath the heavy weight of this invasive vine. Invasive Chinese and Japanese Wisteria. Wisteria is a vine plant that has a unique flowering. Most types of Wisterias only bloom in the spring, but the Blue Moon Wisteria blooms in the spring and twice in the summer. Plants for this area must be tough and hardy, and able to withstand extended freezing temperatures. Older vines can reach a diameter of over 15 inches. Aug 2, 2018 - The Blue Moon Reblooming Wisteria plant from Spring Hill Nurseries produces beautiful lavender-blue, foot-long clusters. Overview. They are deciduous and recommended for USDA growing zones 4-9, making them very cold hardy, down to -20 degrees! Because the vines grew fast and provided dense shade, this was a favored plant for porches, trellises, and gazebos. Rating: 100 % of 100. Cut-stump application of glyphosate or triclopyr has been effective for large vines. September to October with repeated applications --glyphosate as a 2% solution (8 ounces per 3-gallon mix). Leaves have slightly wavy margins. Regular wisteria vines are not particularly hardy, and can be difficult to train because they are such rampant growers, but one, the Blue Moon Wisteria, is a gift to growers in cold areas. Top 10 Pergola Plants to Grow in your Pots. There are many species of these plants, but the most popular are Wisteria frutescens and Wisteria macrostachya. Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria. A stunning climbing vine, Reblooming Wisteria Blue Moon has a gorgeous sky blue grape of flowers that looks amazing hanging down from any wall or arch. I’d recommend cutting the sprouts back as soon as you notice them because they grow so fast, become quite thick, and are much harder to cut if you let them go. Exciting native species improved to dependably bloom up to three times in a single growing season. I am growing "Blue Moon" on a trellis bench, and "Lawrence" up into a flowering crab apple tree that is quite open to sunlight. Even though Wisteria can be extremely invasive, even seeding in woodlands threatening native species, but at the same time, it’s a vine which has charmed us, captured in artwork and in iconic old gardens in Italy and France, many who start gardening dream of someday having a wisteria vine in … 1. Two studies in the southeastern U.S. found 82-96% of wisteria collections were hybrids of W. sinensis and W. floribunda (W. x formosa). "Blue Moon" blooms at an … There are even a few cultivars from which to choose. Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' SKU. Menu Cart 0. Flower clusters are smaller and seed pods are smooth, not velvety. The Blue Chinese Wisteria tree is easy to grow, adaptable to a variety of soil, drought and deer tolerant as well as disease resistant. And there is a new arrival, deemed the hardiest wisteria of all: Summer Cascade ™ (W. macrostachya ‘Betty Matthews’). Mar 23, 2020 - This website is for sale! The vines require strong support to keep up with their fast growth. Kentucky wisteria plants are the premier wisteria vines for zone 3. It blooms in late spring or early summer. The first lesson in what NOT to plant. Roots form a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacterium. Plants resprout after injury, so continual cutting is required to eventually exhaust root reserves. Urban Ecosystems. Evergreen wisteria (which is not truly a wisteria), is hardy in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 to 10 and will grow best in areas with full sun, but will tolerate partial shade. This deciduous vine is native to the swampy lowlands of the southern USA, and can be grown in hardiness zones 3-9 (most wisteria is only hardy down to zone 5). Kentucky wisteria bears mildly fragrant bluish-purple flowers after growing only two to three years, making it the quickest wisteria to bloom. Growing wisteria in zone 3 used to be fairly impractical but now a new cultivar has introduced an extremely hardy form of the … Wisteria vines, for the most part, are not for the wimpy gardener. 'Blue Moon' is hardier than 'Aunt Dee'. There is an American Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens), that is native from Virginia to Missouri and south to Florida and Texas. Full to partial sun. Kentucky wisteria bears mildly fragrant bluish-purple flowers after growing only two to three years, making it the quickest wisteria to bloom. Chinese Wisteria was first imported into this country in 1816, followed in 1830 by Japanese Wisteria. ‘Blue Moon’ is an extra-hardy cultivar of native Kentucky wisteria, with showy, silvery-blue clusters. Summer or evergreen wisteria isn’t really a wisteria, nor is it always evergreen. Trusty, Jennifer L.; Goertzen, Leslie R.; Zipperer, Wayne C.; Lockaby, B-Graeme. The Fragrant, Reblooming Wisteria Why Blue Moon Wisteria Vines? Blue Moon Wisteria vine is perfect for decorating an arbor or pergola, with the outstanding flowers dripping down below. Top 10 Pergola Plants to Grow in your Pots. When your neighbors' Wisterias are done blooming, yours will brighten up the landscape twice more! Fruits & seeds: Velvety seed pods, brownish to gold in color. Two other good nurseries on the internet that offer wisteria for zone 3-4 are Greer Gardens and Rare Find Nursery. Editor's Note: Wisteria can be invasive. However, it’s less invasive than … Can be somewhat invasive (rampant growth plus rooting surface runners). Roots: Few large, deeply rooted. Genetic analyses have shown that most naturalized plants are hybrids of Chinese and Japanese wisteria. Two studies in the southeastern U.S. found 82-96% of wisteria collections were hybrids of W. sinensis and W. floribunda (W. x formosa).. 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