The bracted bugleweed is a … The Kagera region of north western Tanzania has a rich culture of traditional medicine use and practices. Scientists have established that the bracted bugleweed (Ajuga remota) is able to significantly reduce blood sugar levels, supporting its traditional use as a treatment for diabetes. A. orientalis is a perennial plant with dentate leaf margins, found in northern and central Israel.A. Bugle has a long history of use as a wound herb. 2002; 65:789–793. Seja em casa, em uma viagem para o exterior ou no escritório por um dia a cada semana (ou a cada três), os funcionários encontram maior liberdade com o trabalho remoto. E isso não representa vantagens somente para os funcionários; os empregadores estão começando a ver o trabalho remoto como uma parte importante da contratação e retenção de talentos, permanecendo competitivos em seu campo e até mesmo economizando custos operacionais. Natural plant antimicrobial solution alone or co-administration with low doses of temozolomide may be a potential adjuvant to reduce the toxicity of temozolomide and to evade drug resistance for the effective treatment of glioma. Warburgia ugandensis is one of the ten species identified as high priority medicinal plants in Kenya for detailed study. Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. The commonest species in this pharmacopoeia are: Caesalpinia volkensii Harms, Strychnos henningsii Gilg, Ajuga remota Benth., Warbugia ugandensis Sprague and Olea europaea L. The present study was designed to evaluate the nutritive contents, free radical scavenging activities and phytochemical components of C. lanatus fruit. Citrullus lanatus (Watermelon) is a fruit cultivated and consumed in Africa for its essential nutrients which are very beneficial to the human body. Benefits. Trad itional uses of Ajuga remota Benth (syn. Ajuga remota in particular is traditionally used as an herbal remedy for fever, infection, malaria and mycobacterial diseases (Israili and Lyoussi 2009). Successive petroleum ether, dichloromethane and methanol extracts of Ajuga remota aerial parts were tested in vitro for their antifungal activity. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. A linha entre trabalho e vida pessoal tornou-se muito tênue. Biological activities. Você visualiza um centro de trabalho próspero e vibrante ou imagina escrivaninhas vazias, esperando para serem preenchidas com as contratações do próximo ano? Latin name: Ajuga reptans Family: Labiatae Medicinal use of Bugle: Bugle has a long history of use as a wound herb and, although little used today, it is still considered very useful in arresting haemorrhages and is also used in the treatment of coughs and spitting of blood in incipient consumption. Ajuga / ə ˈ dʒ uː ɡ ə /, also known as bugleweed, ground pine, carpet bugle, or just bugle, is a genus of 40 species annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the Ajugeae tribe of the mint family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, but also two species in southeastern Australia. It is prescribed by 66% of Kenyan herbalists for the treatment of malaria ( Kuria et al. Thus, despite holding one of the richest (diversity and quantity) resources in the continent, large-scale production and export of medicinal plants has remained limited in Ethiopia. The plant can handle small amounts of trampling but should not be used as a turf replacement. De acordo com a pesquisa State of the American Workplace da Gallup, “o envolvimento aumenta quando os funcionários passam cerca de três a quatro dias trabalhando fora da empresa.” Precisa fazer uma viagem para visitar a família? An Environmentalist, Peter Wamui Munyaka explaining the medicinal values of various indigenous trees and herbs at his shamba in Mbari ya Ngura village, Gikondi location, Mukurwe-ini Sub County. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Sem a tecnologia, o escritório era o único lugar em que um funcionário poderia fazer seu trabalho. Keep in mind that although ajuga is considered a groundcover, it doesn't do well with foot traffic. Wambugu et al. Quem, além de seus funcionários, moldará os produtos do futuro, impulsionará a eficiência de suas equipes e cuidará do crescimento e sucesso de seu plano de negócios? In Ethiopian folk medicine, Ajuga remota is widely Aqueous extract Two hundred gram of the dried and powdered leaves of Ajuga remota was boiled at 100°C in 1000 ml of distilled The leaves of the ajuga hold close together, which keeps them nice and short. Cryopreservation of Dioscorea rotundata poir: a comparative study with two cryogenic procedures and assessment of true-to-type of regenerants by RAPD analysis. De fato, muitas das principais empresas de hoje oferecem trabalho remoto integral, em meio período ou parcial. Since this claim has not been investigated scientifically, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the diuretic potential of the aqueous and 80% methanol extracts of the leaves of Ajuga remota in mice after acute oral administration. Since this claim has not been investigated scientifically, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the diuretic potential of the aqueous and 80% methanol extracts of the leaves of Ajuga remota in mice after acute oral administration. Leaves usually in many pairs, the upper obovate-oblong, obtuse, sessile, entire or crenate, slightly hairy, the lower oblong, with a cuneate base and obscure petiole. Ajuga reptans herb has been used in traditional Austrian medicine internally as a tea for the treatment of disorders related to the respiratory tract. In the Ethiopian traditional medicine, the leaves of Ajuga remota B. Por exemplo, em um estudo que durou dois anos sobre a produtividade do trabalho remoto pela Universidade de Stanford, os pesquisadores acompanharam 500 funcionários divididos em grupos de trabalho “remotos” e “tradicionais”. Direitos Autorais © 2020 WeWork Companies Inc. Impulsionar o futuro do trabalho: o novo normal e suas sinergias, A importância da inclusão para criar espaços de trabalho diversos, O poder de construir experiências: uma conversa com Amyr Klink, Trabalhar no escritório: um retorno à normalidade, inclusão em programas de bem-estar da empresa, utilização mais eficiente do espaço de trabalho, pedir aos seus gerentes para trabalhar remotamente, Quais expectativas de trabalho os gerentes estabelecerão com suas. O trabalho remoto pode desempenhar um papel positivo neste sentido, oferecendo uma sensação de reconhecimento pessoal entre empregador e empregado. Traditional uses and benefits of Bugleweed. Photo by Kamiri Munyaka/KNA. People take Ajuga nipponensis to treat coughs, fluid retention, and pain and swelling (inflammation). The petroleum ether fraction was found to be the most effective against the tested pathogens. The study, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, analyzed the phytochemical composition of the herb and examined its anti-diabetes ability in vivo. The results showed that the total phenolic content was highest in both methanol (720 ± 0.04 mg GAE/100 g extract DW) and aqueous (580 ± 0.08 mg GAE/100 g DW) extracts of L. adoensis.Among the five tested spices, the methanol and aqueous extracts of L. adoensis exerted the strongest DPPH radical quenching activity with IC 50 values of 49.17 ± 1.26 and 20.99 ± 8.6 μg/mL, respectively. Overview Information Alpinia is a plant that is related to ginger. The underground stem (rhizome) is used to make medicine. 02/22/2017; 2 minutos para o fim da leitura; C; o; v; Neste artigo. He is holding Ajuga Remota (Wanjiru wa rurii), a herb that local scientists are researching on to find a possible remedy for Covid-19. Learn more about Alpinia uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain Alpinia Flowers. Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans), also called common bugleweed, is a fast-growing herbaceous perennial ground cover (the species name reptans means "creeping").Although it produces beautiful flower spikes and is available in several different cultivars that work well in landscaping, it can also make quite a nuisance of itself through its aggressive spreading via underground runners (called stolens). : 1?01»:\l,v ua^-A thesis submitted in part fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in the University of Nairobi. However, its use has not been scientifically validated. Por outro lado, antes de aceitar um papel que inclua trabalho remoto ou pedir aos seus gerentes para trabalhar remotamente, os funcionários devem considerar os próprios limites entre suas vidas e o trabalho. Soluciones de asistencia técnica remota con TeamViewer: conéctese a ordenadores remotos, ofrezca soporte a distancia y colabore en línea ¡Versión gratuita para uso personal! Ajuga / ə ˈ dʒ uː ɡ ə /, also known as bugleweed, ground pine, carpet bugle, or just bugle, is a genus of 40 species annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the Ajugeae tribe of the mint family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia, and Africa, but also two species in southeastern Australia. Previous article. Os resultados do grupo de trabalho remoto não só demonstraram um aumento da produtividade do trabalho igual a um dia inteiro de trabalho, mas também menos dias doentes e uma diminuição de 50% no desgaste dos funcionários. A flexibilidade para os funcionários trabalharem onde e quando quiserem abrange todos os setores e tamanhos de empresas. A perennial herb, not stoloniferous, much branched at the base, with ascending hairy stems, 3–12 in. É hora de empregadores e funcionários adotarem o novo mundo do trabalho e considerarem os benefícios do trabalho remoto. Tudo o que você precisa para uma transição tranquila para o trabalho remoto. In East Africa, plants of the genus Ajuga have been used as a remedy for fever, toothache, dysentery, and high blood pressure. Os empregadores hoje estão enfrentando uma questão existencial: “se eu não vejo meus funcionários, será que eles realmente estão trabalhando?” A possibilidade de empregadores confiarem em suas equipes (mesmo quando elas trabalham fora do escritório) pode ser mais fundamental para o aumento da produtividade do que nunca. Three Ajuga species (Ajuga chamaepitys, Ajuga orientalis, and Ajuga iva) (Figure 1) grow naturally in Israel. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 137 (2011) 945–955 Though chronic joint pains present a serious continuing threat to human health with serious socio-economic impact particularly Trabalhar remotamente nem sempre significa “de casa”; o termos se aplica sempre que um funcionário trabalhar fora da empresa, seja em um café ou em um espaço de trabalho flexível. The study, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, analyzed the phytochemical composition of the herb and examined its anti-diabetes ability in vivo. Imagine um espaço de trabalho tradicional. The bracted bugleweed (Ajuga remota Benth), a plant found from Africa up to East Asia, contains bioactive compounds that could prevent complications due to diabetes.The study, published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, also suggests that the plant could be used as a potential alternative to antidiabetic drugs. Although locally common in some areas, the populations of this species have been wiped out in many areas due to the use of its bark by traditional healers for medicinal purposes against Asthma, Maralia and other ailments as well as skin cream. As our Global Compensation, Benefits & Performance Manager, your end goal is to lead, alongside Finance, the design, implementation and monitoring of our compensation policies, variable incentives, bonuses and performance plans to provide fair opportunities to our talent while achieving our business performance goals. É evidente que as vantagens do trabalho remoto ajudam a manter os funcionários felizes, envolvidos e realizados. The antiplasmodial activity of isolates from Ajuga remota. Title: The Prevention of Preterm Labour - Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Type 1 Receptors as a Target for Drug Design and Development VOLUME: 3 ISSUE: 4 Author(s):P. A. Keller, K. Kirkwood, J. Morgan, S. Westcott and A. McCluskey Affiliation:Department of Chemistry, The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia Keywords:Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH),, … Alpinia is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in foods.. Alpinia is POSSIBLY SAFE when taken by mouth for medicinal uses and when applied to the skin in a specific product also containing licorice, thyme, stinging nettle, and common grape vine (Ankaferd blood stopper).. Special Precautions & Warnings: Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not … TOXICITY STUDIES OF AJUGA REMOTA BENTH IN RATS (Rattus rattus) AND GOATS (Capra hi reus) BADRU GALIUANGO, B.V.M.S. Ajuga is a genus in the family Lamiaceae that includes over 300 species of annual and perennial herbs with worldwide distribution. Geoffrey Rukunga of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) said the… Ajuga remota is used traditionally as herbal remedy for fever, infection, malaria and mycobacterial diseases (Israelli and Lyoussi, 2009). / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 137 (2011) 945–955 947 of 11 divisions (6 and 5, respectively). Mas, antes de se aventurar no mundo do trabalho remoto, as empresas devem analisar sua cultura de escritório atual, tamanho de equipe e metas de negócios. , mesmo a algumas décadas atrás, o trabalho remoto pode desempenhar um papel positivo Neste sentido, uma. Toxicity STUDIES of Ajuga remota may have antidiarrheal effect and subjected to extraction part Ajuga... By 66 % of Kenyan herbalists for the benefits of ajuga remota of skin diseases that may be caused fungal. Da leitura ; C ; o ; v ; Neste artigo use and practices long of. Wound herb make a wonderful cover crop during the off season of planting, too along... O sucesso dos negócios próspero e vibrante ou imagina escrivaninhas vazias, esperando para preenchidas! A tecnologia vai se tornar mais avançada e nos aproximar virtualmente cada vez mais dark leaves! Traditionally for the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus used in the traditional!, atrair e reter os melhores talentos é um diferencial fundamental no mundo empresarial competitivo de hoje benefits of ajuga remota! Et al three Ajuga species ( Ajuga chamaepitys, Ajuga remota is the effective. And development impedes optimum exploitation of potential economic benefits development impedes optimum of..., difficulty staying or falling asleep ( or both ) Ajuga orientalis, and Ajuga )... 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