Your Wisteria blossoms each … Sun or shade. Moist soils are acceptable as long as they are well drained. Way too much of a risk...I can't stop pulling any of mine out..Tired of it..The flower also smells like cat spray..Horrible.. Hi all!Hi Mike!I bought a tree form of the Asian wisteria about 4 years ago.It is in a large pot, I root prune it every other year.It is extremely fragrant, smells nice. Prefers dry, well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. I had passed from the kitchen, through the dining room to get to living room countless times that day. Has abundant white flowers in spring followed by clusters of red fruit in the fall. It's just too much of a risk. I have 3 wisteria as bonsai so if they can grow in a bonsai pot i am sure they will not be that hard to grow in a normal pot you just have to make sure you give them the right fertilizer and you have to be very careful with the watering esp in summer. Grows 3 ft. with equal spread. Syringa vulgaris (Common Lilac): Deciduous shrub grows 12 to 15 ft. in height, has delicate, fragrant, purple flowers in May. I did plant Amethyst Falls on my cousin's fence in Long Island only because she insisted. Grows to 60 ft. Picea pungens glauca ‘Globosa’ (Globe Blue Spruce): Dwarf form of Blue Spruce, flat-topped and compact in youth, becoming pyramidal with age. Wij geven onze +- 600 kwekers graag een eerlijke prijs. Small yellow flowers bloom in June and July. (function() { Its flowering period begins in May. Does the Asian versions (invasive) of Wisteria go to seed easily. It grows to around 3 metres and will grow on fences, trelisses and arbours without overwhelming them. Spectacular Blue Moon Wisteria Vine Plant 1-2' Tall Potted Plant Fragrant Flowers Attracts Hummingbirds 2-3 Year Old Plants, in dormancy 3.7 out of 5 stars 73. Effective as bank cover, near walls, ground cover, or as a foundation plant. Hierdoor kunnen wij als enigste 100% versheid garanderen. Foliage and twigs have a spicy fragrance. Perennials/Ground Covers: Allium (Ornamental Onion): Relative of the onion, useful in border or rock garden and as edging plant. if (!window.mc4wp) { Tolerates dry, sandy soils. pH 5.0 to 7.0. Dat de plant in de nazomer nogmaals bloeit, is uniek: tweemaal per jaar kunt u genieten van de lavendelblauwe bloemen. Foliage is deep green, and coarsely toothed. After it blooms, I'll get it under control. Crazy stuff! Other common names Chinese wisteria 'Amethyst' . My son took this photo when we were coming in from sailing, as the sun was setting, and the mountain was glowing. Native to swampy places, but does well in light to medium moist loam. Wisteria Frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' from Burncoose Nurseries available online to buy - Information: an unusual dwarf species which is less vigorous than other wisteria varieties. Sun or partial shade. Telefoon: 0416-692520, Iedere werkdag bereikbaar Funny, because my first encounter was also with my keys! Ribes alpinum ‘Green Mound’ (Green Mound Currant): Dense growing shrub, perfect for a low hedge. White flowers are single or double. Diervilla lonicera (Bronzeleaf Honeysuckle): A speading shrub, excellent for mass planting and banks. Distictive trumpet shaped flowers vary in color, depending on selection. Wisteria macrostachya 'Blue Moon' lavendelblauwe blauwe regen die herbloeit in nazomer De hoogte na 10 jaar is 5 meter. Large red berries persist all winter. Foliage dies back during and after blooming. Put Michelia Alba flowers in vase to enjoy intense fragrance in room. Bloeit met violetblauwe bloemtrossen vanaf het eerste jaar, na de bloei lichtjes snoeien geeft nog een nabloei. Single, golden-yellow flowers in spring. Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ (Leonard Messel Magnolia): Shrub or small tree grows 20 to 25 ft., showy 12 petaled flowers are fuchsia pink on the back and white on the inside with a purple-pink line in the center. Types of wisteria: When it comes to wisteria there are two types: Asian and American. Wisteria Frutescens Amethyst Falls geeft schitterende geurende bloemen in een lila-blauwe kleur, die vanaf de takken naar beneden hangen. Deze Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ op rek is een ijverige zomerbloeier, die in de zomermaanden voor een optische verfrissing zorgt. ‘Amethyst Falls,' a popular selection, repeat blooms like ‘Blue Moon' does, but it's a less aggressive plant with thinner stems that won't damage wooden arbors or trellises. Now I've read about the new Kentucky wisteria (W. macrostacha) BLUE MOON that has the repeat bloom ability of American Wisteria, matures at 30', and is supposed to be sweetly fragrant. Amethyst Falls will bloom heavily in spring and repeat thru summer. The flowers expand into hanging clusters at least six inches long, with a soft, elusive fragrance. I've been looking for a wisteria that won't eat the house, which pretty much rules out Chinese or Japanese wistera. Blue Moon has a nice, sweet, sweet pea fragrance. Blue Chinese Wisteria Tree, wisteria leaf problems: what to do for a wisteria with yellow leaves and Rooting Wisteria Plants: How To Propagate Wisteria From Cuttings Lilac-blue flowers. Foliage turns reddish-bronze in autmn. I just bought an amethyst falls and it says zone 5a one it or -20 to -10 degrees fahrenheit. naar jou toe! long; cones 3-6 in. When you think about it, you had very little input from us - it was pretty much all your own choices! Na enkele jaren kan de Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ 4 tot 5 meter hoog worden. The products I use - video is a detailed description of Amethyst Falls Wisteria. tussen 09.00 - 17.00. on here so we won't miss them! Pink to white flowers in late April or early May. To be sure of producing flowers each year prune the vegetative branches back to six-inch spurs along the main vines in late summer. The perfume doesn't have to be as strong as Japanese wisteria, just so long as it is detectible and isn't offensive. I'd look for 45 minutes until I walk back into the kitchen & there they were...right where I'd left them. They have tight, snap closures. Liquidambar styaciflua (Sweet Gum): Large conical shaded tree, growing to 60 ft. Star-shaped foliage turns brilliant fall colors. Zorg dat de wortels niet uitdrogen. Long slender red-purple buds open to 5 in. Magnolia x ‘Betty’ (Betty Magnolia): Deciduous shrub or small tree; 10 ft. height with 8 ft. spread; attractive accent for the smaller landscape or garden; upright, rounded form; large purple-red flowers with white interior open prior to the glossy green foliage; sun or partial shade; prefers loamy, moist, well-drained, acidic soil. listeners: [], Not all azaleas are susceptible to deer damage, but some are like chocolate to them. I only wish Autumn Sunset had held on to more leaves during the summer. green-brown nut; dark green foliage spring through summer, turning yellow and orange in fall; disease free; drought tolerant; grows easily in sun or partial shade; pH 6.0 to 7.5. I'd sit up in bed & clearly hear them. Yours are sounding the same. Terugsnoeien is niet nodig, behalve om de plant in vorm te snoeien of als de Wisteria te groot wordt. Excellent for border or massing. } } Amethyst Falls is considered an early flowering wisteria. (I think it is called "Texas White" and it is apparently not too hard to find). Foliage is lustrous green, turning brilliant red in fall. This is a reply to a very old post, but my 3 year old Wisteria 'Blue Moon' bloomed for the first time last Spring. The flowers are like those of a pea, because this plant is in fact a relative of that vegetable, but they are larger, and a ravishing shade of lavender blue, with a delicious light scent. Wij delen graag onze kennis met jou: Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze producten. We want to hear which plant, flowering or otherwise, gives you special joy, A client’s request: “Build me a house where Disney meets Tudor.” The architect explores the details that make the style, Bar and Counter Stools With Free Shipping, Great Design Plant: Lilac Vine for a Purple Profusion in Winter, 9 Deer-Resistant Flowering Shrubs to Plant This Fall, 11 Perfect Plants for a Moonlit Garden — in Pots, The 7 Best Plant Types for Creating Privacy and How to Use Them. In de late herfst verliest deze ‘Amethyst Falls’ zijn blad, om het volgende jaar weer rijkelijk te bloeien. Pinus nigra (Austrian Pine): Large pyramidal evergreen conifer grows 50 to 60 ft. with a spread of 40 ft. Best for backyard gardens and screens. This was just last summer. $18.75 ... Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vine Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' 'Amethyst Falls,' like other Wisteria, is a strong grower, reaching 30 feet or more. Rosa rugosa (Rugosa Rose) Fragrant flowers June through September, vary in color from white to pink to red. I am in SE Wisconsin at the ugly part of zone 5. Glossy, leathery leaves that turn intense shades of orange and red in fall. I can't forget the fragrance of the Chinese Wisteria at the flower show. })(); Heb je vragen over ons of onze producten? Our apartment was so dark and cold and the light outside -- and the bees and the flowers -- so warm and brilliant. Genus Wisteria are vigorous woody climbers with twining stems bearing pinnate leaves and long pendulous racemes of fragrant pea-like flowers in spring and early summer . Deze plant is zeer winterhard. It's been ok but not fabulous. Baker is not as large as Rainier, but it is an active volcano, although it's been a while since I have seen it steam. I mean, like, wow! Insect and disease resistant. From what I've seen, they're just playing with you. Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ is an exception to the species, producing richly scented flowers in May and June. It may not be fragrant but it was huge and breathtaking this past spring blooming next to the golden yellow rose Autumn Sunset (very fragrant) and with sparkling red American honeysuckle climbing through them. Their flower buds begin to form in the spring, so they tolerate winter well, which is not the case with Asian wisteria. Details 'Amethyst' is an anticlockwise-twining cultivar. Wel opletten voor strenge vorst, niet planten op het oosten. De plant heeft zowel op het balkon als in de tuin een plaats nodig in de volle zon. She loves it.I can't plant my tree in the ground.I couldn't stop it from spreading, it is unreal.I still have it though, and it is doing just fine in a pot.I also bought a Blue Moon wisteria about 5 years ago from a well known online vine nursery,It is still alive, hasn't bloomed, and doesnt grow very much.If it smells like cat pee I'm throwing it in the trash.But, the Asian doesn't, in case anyone wants to know.You can keep it in a pot, just root prune it at least every other year.And remove the pot off the ground about once a month in the growing season so it doesn't root in the ground and spread that way,Or perhaps just place it on cement pavers or a patio.They are beautiful, aren't they? Viburnum dentatum (Arrowwood Viburnum): Valued for its durability and utility. Best of all, this wisteria is both deer resistant and drought tolerant. Useful as a specimen or in groups. Small aromatic flowers bloom in the spring and are followed by large, hairy, red fruits in the summer. Daarvoor zoeken zij voor jou de allerbeste bloemen en planten uit. Prized for its tidy growth habit, "Amethyst Falls" wisteria (Wisteria frutescens "Amethyst Falls"), grown … Height 6 to 24 in. De Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ kan in grote bakken geplant worden op terras of balkon, maar ook in de volle grond in de tuin. Excellent ground cover . Vervolgens verzenden wij onze producten direct vanaf de kwekerij I stopped in my tracks & just said...."Hey Peeps....How's it going??" Both sexes needed for pollination. }); Amethyst Falls Wisteria The Amethyst Falls variety lives up to its name, with stunning lavender-blue flowers spread across the bare branches in spring. Details 'Amethyst Falls' is a deciduous climber to 5m tall and 3m wide with leaves comprising up to 15 leaflets. Then I think of my poor landlady who lived alone in the apartment downstairs and who would invite me in and, gesturing and sobbing, with tears flowing down her face, show me one by one the framed photos of her husband, son, nephews, father -- all her relatives -- all dead. Your home is beautiful. They bloomed in spring. I agree with the suggestion to remove the two small art pieces in the photo. Easily transplanted and will grow in poor, drained soils as well as upland sites. That happened off & on for about the first year. Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ (Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac): Low growing, spreading habit (to 2 ft. with 6 to 8 ft. spread) makes this an excellent plant for mass plantings and bank control. I still sort of hanker after a white Japanese wisteria, though. Juniperus chinensis 'Sea Green' (Sea Green Juniper): Evergreen shrub; height of 3 ft. with a spread of 5 to 6 ft; excellent mint-green foliage with arching branches create a low, fountainlike effect. Watching over you. Foliage turns scarlet and crimson in the fall. Sun or shade, pH 6.0 to 7.5. Pinus densiflora ‘Umbraculifera’ (Tanyosho or Table Top Pine): Compact dwarf tree with a flat top and rounded head. There is nothing more thrilling, and I think maybe, just maybe, I should do the same in my front garden. … Family Fabaceae . And I sat there eating a large and exquisite chocolate Easter egg decorated with violets that had had a pretty toy inside. Its needles are glossy dark green with white stomatic lines underneath. Wisteria Amethyst Falls is a vigorous growing vine boasting numerous 8" long fragrant purple blooms on one year old plants. Galium odoratum (Sweet Woodruff): Perennial with fragrant, small white flowers in May and fine textured foliage. It is clearly more red-purple than 'Blue Moon' … Bright orange-scarlet tubular flowers from June to October. It was an amazing sight, I wish I had had a camera. Tolerant to urban conditions, sun or shade. I am really happy, too, that I don't have to hack it back twenty times a year like I do the Asian wisteria in my own tiny garden that comes up everywhere, traveling many feet under the ground. You could smell it from 10 feet away -- it was unbelievable -- fabulous. Kerria Japonica (Japanese Kerria) Kerria Japonica (Japanese Kerria): Grows 4 to 5 ft. Most varieties grow 35 to 45 ft. Hamamelis vernalis (Vernal Witch Hazel): Deciduous shrub; grows 10 ft. in height with equal spread; flowers are yellow to red and begin blooming in February; can be used as specimens, screens and/or hedges; will grow in sun or shade; prefers soil with plenty of organic matter and moisture; pH 6.0 to 7.5. Slow growing to 9 to 10 ft. with a spread of 12 to 15 ft. Quercus bicolor (Swamp White Oak): Good native tree that grows to 50 or 60 ft. Has a broad, rounded head and distincitve light brown flaky bark. Check with your local extension center or talk with a Master Gardener familiar with your area for the best plants. Rhododendron ‘Purple Gem’ (Purple Gem Rhododendron): Low compact and slow growing cultivar with purple-blue flowers that bloom in early spring. When planting your Amethyst Falls Wisteria be sure you have the right location and conditions for your new plant to thrive. Deze Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ bloeit lang en uitbundig als u de plant regelmatig (2x per maand) Wisteria mest geeft. Hybrid Rhododendron): Broadleaf evergreen shrub; 3 to 6 ft; rounded shape; variable lavender-pink flowers mid to late April; thumb-sized leaves, dark green in summer and plum-purple in fall; full sun or partial shade; acidic soil. I live alone so it wasn't anyone in the house. Aquilegia (Columbine): Perennial with distinctive mounds of airy, fan-like leaves contrast with pastel flowers. I figure they were here long before I was & I'm totally fine with them looking over me. Put my stuff away. Sorry I can't help you, though I would tear out Amethyst Falls and replace it with blue moon, if it were truly more fragrant. Juniperus chinensis 'Hooks' (Hook's Juniper): Evergreen shrub; height of 12-15 ft. with a spread of 2-3 ft; good for specimen or narrow hedge; upright pyramidal shape; green foliage requires little or no shearing to maintain form; prefers average soils in sunny locations. on: function (event, callback) { De bloemtrossen zijn veel compacter en geuren minder dan de Aziatische soorten. Mt. They're not quite as sweet-smelling as those of Kentucky wisteria. The flower show and its scents gives me the sensation of time travel. Baker, Not Mt. Grows 5 to 6 ft. Has a white flower and a black berry-type fruit. Het bijzondere van deze ‘Amethyst Falls’ is dat de plant elk jaar en al in een vroeg stadium uitbundig bloeit: vanaf begin mei tot eind juni. How to Start Amethyst Falls Wisteria. Well now...seems I've missed out on a big chunk of updates here! I think perhaps she must have been Jewish. Spring and fall are ideal times to plant although as long as the conditions aren't extreme you can plant your wisteria throughout the year.. There weren't a lot of blooms, so the fragrance was not noticeable unless you were directly in front of the blossoms, but I thought that fragrance was quite pleasant. Spring and fall are ideal times to plant although as long as the conditions aren't extreme you can plant your wisteria throughout the year.. Both of these wisteria blooms on new wood, which means that they are not afraid of severe winter frosts. Buxus ‘Green Mountain’ (Green Mountain Boxwood): Evergreen shrub; upright, 5 ft. high and 3 ft. wide; exceptionally winter hardy; full sun; will not tolerate poor drainage or clay soils. “Aunt Dee” Kentucky Wisteria: Fuller, plumper blooms a little lighter in color than “Blue Moon;” also hardy in northern zones. 1. Aesculus parviflora (Bottlebrush Buckeye): Stately specimen that forms a spreading, mounded shrub with tall, pyramidal spikes to white flowers in July. Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ (Pyramidal European Hornbeam): Deciduous tree; mature height of over 35 feet; very dense, compact, upright branching; will eventually be rounded at the base to 20 ft wide, narrrowing to a rounded point at the top; produces a small 1/4 in. Deze Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ bloeit lang en uitbundig als u de plant regelmatig (2x per maand) Wisteria mest geeft. It is also a nice space to say goodbye to your guests when they leave. Bright green stems all year. window.mc4wp.listeners.push({ Magnolia x ‘Susan (Susan Magnolia): Compact, upright shrub or small tree; 8 to 10 ft. in height with an 8 ft. spread. De verrassende Wisteria Amethyst Falls is een nieuwe Wisteriasoort, die toevallig door Linda Head ontdekt werd in de VS. De plant viel haar op vanwege de kleur van de bloemen. But I can resist. Propagation can be accomplished by softwood cuttings that are taken in … De takken van de Wisteria moet u leiden. Partial shade to full sun. Improve soil quality, drainage and pH by digging in 2 to 4 inches of peat moss or compost at planting time. A fast-growing vine that produces full purple flowers up to 12 inches long, the Amethyst Falls delivers a graceful show of shimmering beauty that is otherwise typically reserved for the sunny south. It really held its own -- with a multitude of deep blue purple clusters that looked more like a blue tropical vine than a wisteria. Houzz Call: What’s Your Favorite Backyard Beauty? Wisteria is one of the best loved climbing plants. Here are a list of shrubs that are deer resistant. Twining plant grows about a third the rate of Asian wisteria for better behavior in small spaces. En dat vinden wij het allerbelangrijkste! Then I read about our native wisteria. DeciduousBlue - lilac blueHeight - 5m (15ft) She doesn't know about Wisteria's downside. Lonicera x brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ (Dropmore Scarlet Honeysuckle): Considered the hardiest honeysuckle vine. Makes a good informal hedge or screen. Dek de plant goed af met vliesdoek of takken en zet hem op een beschutte plaats: tegen de muren van uw huis bijvoorbeeld, waar een microklimaat heerst. The one that really got my attention was when I had been back & forth through the house cleaning & doing laundry on my day off. This variety ''Amethyst Falls'' not only flowers in the spring, but should repeat flower in the summer. Buy 'Amethyst Falls' Wisteria, a vigorous vine with vivid blue flowers repeating through the summer! The shipping was more than the plant cost. Nyssa sylvatica (Black or Sour Gum): Pyramidal tree growing to 50 ft. with a 20 to 30 ft. spread. Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet) Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet): Deciduous shrub; 6 to 8 ft. height with 4 to 6 ft. spread; good for summer flowers in the shrub border; compact, dense form; upright panicles of fragrant white flowers in July and August; grows well in sun or shade; grows naturally in wet soil; salt tolerant. Betula platyphylla japonica ‘Whitespire’ (Whitespire Birch): Narrow pyramidal white-barked birch that is tolerant of high temperatures and resistant to the bronze birch borer. Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’ (Winter King Hawthorn): Deciduous tree; height of 25 ft. with 20 to 25 ft. spread; ornamental tree ideally suited to the smaller landscape; good for naturalized plantings; rounded habit with vase-shaped branching structure; showy grey stems with lustrous green foliage changing to bronze, red and gold in the fall; white flowers in the spring; large bright red fruit persisting into winter; full sun, tolerant of many soils if given sufficient moisture; has sharp thorns. Classic Vines Add Fragrance, Color and Romance to Garden Designs, Stacked stone, rustic wood and fragrant blooms help beckon the eye to these inviting entries, Charm winged beauties and human visitors alike with these enticing, fragrant and colorful blooms for the garden, Grow this pretty, hardy vine on a fence or as a ground cover for blooms throughout the colder months, Want to add the beauty of roses to your garden? Narcissus (Daffodil): Early to mid-spring blooming bulb. What: Lush with intensely-purple blooms. Can it be controlled if planted in a container? Let op dat de aardkluit niet uitdroogt. Cornus florida (White Flowering Dogwood): Popular tree growing to 30 ft., rounded shape with early spring flowers, striking wine-red fall foliage. De Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’ moet u ook in de winter water geven. Cornus kousa chinensis (Chinese Dogwood): Outstanding deciduous ornamental tree; grows to 20 ft. high and 15 to 20 ft. in width; broad vase-like shape; abundant, long lasting white blooms in June after the plant has leafed out, followed by a heavy crop of large, attractive, strawberry-like fruits loved by birds. Maybe go to the living room & turn the tube on....check mail...whatever. Deze dwergvorm, Wisteria ‘Amethyst Falls’, is een rijkbloeiende, winterharde klimplant, die rustig en compact groeit. Sun or partial shade. Picea omerika (Serbian Spruce): Narrow, conical evergreen grows 50 to 60 ft. in height. Here is a list of plants which includes some varieties of azaleas that deer do not like. r/gardening: A place for the best guides, pictures, and discussions of all things related to plants and their care. Because of my back, I would not be able to dig up runners. Ligustrum obtusifolium regelianum (Regal Privet): Low, dense spreading shrub with a rounded shape. cones. Rhododendron ‘P.J.M.’ (P.J.M. So has anybody on this forum actually grown this wisteria and if so is it SWEETLY fragrant? Wisteria 'Amethyst Falls' is a compact variety of this popular woody twining deciduous vine. Als de plant in een pot staat, dan moet deze goed afgedekt worden en beschermd zijn tegen de wind. Forsythia x intermediata ‘Lynwood Gold’ (Lynwood Gold Forysythia): Fast growing, erect shrub with deep golden-yellow flowers in spring. As I was reading the other ideas on here. Kan ook in een grote pot staan. Hyacinthus orientalis (Hyacinth) Hyacinthus orientalis (Hyacinth): Spring blooming bulb with highly fragrant blooms. Gleditsia (Honeylocust): Useful as street or shade tree. -- that would be really great. When I smell wisteria I am transported back to my childhood when, having spent my first five years in a Manhattan apartment, I first encountered it. 7681. Vandaag besteld, morgen in huis? Foliage turns deep red in the fall. Baker, which is close to Bellingham, WA. Wisteria frutescens 'Amethyst Falls' SKU. The Amethyst Falls Wisteria has clusters of beautiful flowers up to six-inches long that begin looking like a blue pine cone, before expanding to their full length. Viburnum x rhytidophylloides ‘Alleghany’ (Alleghany Viburnum): Semi-evergreen shrub; USDA hybrid introduction; dark green leathery foliage; resistant to leafspot; creamy-white flowers in May, followed by brilliant fruit in August that matures to black in late September, early October; plants grow to a height of 12 ft. with a width of 10 ft.; berries attract wintering birds. Grows to 8 to 10 ft. Aronia arbutifolia ‘Brilliantissima’ (Brilliant Red Chokeberry): Grows to 6 or 8 ft. in height. There are two main species of Wisteria; W. floribunda or Japanese Wisteria and W. sinensis or Chinese Wisteria. Pachysandra terminalis ‘Green Carpet’ (Green Carpet Pachysandra): Evergreen ground cover; dark green, glossy leaves hold color in sun; part shade preferred; 6 in. I just wanted to report -- though it is only indirectly related to Molineux's question -- that yesterday I went to the Philadelphia flower show and the most fragrant thing there was somebody's Chinese white wisteria grown as a standard in a container. Chionanthus virginicus (White Fringe Tree): Deciduous shrub or small tree; height of 15 to 20 ft. with equal spread; attractive specimen or planted in mass in the shrub border; open, rounded form with fragrant white flowers on 6 to 8 in. Helleborus orientalis (Lenten Rose): Perennial with attractive evergreen foliage. I want to report on Amethyst Falls after all these years (I had completely forgotten about this thread). Winterhard. Slow growing, height 3 ft. and spread of 4 to 5 ft. Silvery blue color. Maid of Orleans Jasmine indoors - how much artificial light. It was not pleasant and the bloom looked more like a lilac blossom than what you'd expect from a wisteria flower cluster. I, too, am leery of Wisteria because I have spent many hours in my back yard hacking away at the shoots, which spring up everywhere, far from the original plant -- but when I see it sometimes, climbing up the front of a brownstone in New York -- perhaps contained by a garbage pail -- I am stricken with envy. Slightly fragrant purple racemes bloom at an early age. “Amethyst Falls”: Not quite as hardy, more compact and less aggressive; shorter, more cone shaped purple blooms. I planted it in a Chinese garden, and after it bloomed, I didn't pay much attention to it. The Amethyst Falls Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’) is a beautiful blooming vine that is great for all of the joys of wisteria but without the fears of it overtaking your property.This particular type of wisteria is commonly planted in USDA growing zones 5-9. Astilbe ‘Rheinland’ (Rheinland False Spirea): Early summer-flowering perennial that thrives in shaded, moist conditions. Lindear benzoin (Spice Bush): Dense growing native shrub with small yellow flowers in April, followed by glossy red frutis. No cat pee.I cut a few pieces off a couple of years ago and rooted them in water in the winter. Foliage turns golden-yellow in fall. Compact growth habit makes it ideal for containers and sunny walls. Grows 2 to 3 ft. in height with an equal spread. I didn't understand the suggestion to take out one of staircases. Root pruning - what a pain, but what must be, must be. North America's Non-Invasive Wisteria Why Amethyst Falls Wisteria Vines? Prefers sun. I was six years old and couldn't understand a word she was saying, since at that time I spoke no Italian having just arrived in Italy. Cotinus obovatus (American Smoketree): Intense fall colors of yellow, orange, red, and reddish-purple. Best in full sun. I love all the curves and movement in the room - from the lovely pattern on the bedding to the bench, to the lamp bases AND pattern on the shades, you have so much movement going on and it is just gorgeous! Amethyst Falls American Wisteria. Momenteel hebben we zo'n 12000 tuinvrienden die hieraan deelnemen. Every other night & after Christmas eve...nothing. (that's what I call my ghosties!) event : event, De bloemkleur is blauw. Grows 30 to 40 ft. Bark does not exfoliate. That is if you can believe catalog descriptions, which I don't. Best to keep moist in well-drained, rich soils. Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla): Deciduous shrub; fragrant, white, bottlebrush-like flower spikes in spring before leaves appear; dark green summer foliage followed by good multi-colored fall foliage; plant in sun or partial shade; non-alkaline soil; hardy; excellent for foundation plantings, borders or masses. Blue Pine cones and slowly open fully a deciduous climber to 5m tall 3m! Small dark green foliage, 1 in 'll get it under control after Christmas eve... nothing '' Peeps. Spirea ): dense growing shrub, excellent wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls Low hedge its gives... Shaped flowers vary in color, depending on selection completely forgotten about this thread ) artificial light is both resistant. Falls ' is a deciduous climber to 5m tall and 3m wide with leaves comprising up 15... 15 ft a spread of 4 to 5 ft. Silvery blue color naar beneden hangen out Chinese or Wisteria... Worden pas na jouw bestelling geoogst 40 to 50 ft. spread over mounded green foliage, 1 in blue... 5 ft beschermd zijn tegen de wind perennials/ground Covers: Allium ( Ornamental ). On my cousin 's fence in long Island only because she insisted it ideal for containers sunny! Wisteria resemble those of its Asian cousins, but more sun will provide most... Deze ‘ Amethyst Falls ’ moet u ook in de tuin een plaats waar je,... Walls, ground cover or hillside planting marvellous potted specimen for the patio nazomer nogmaals,... Best Feature: compact dwarf tree with a Master Gardener familiar with your area for the best way to she. Attract hummingbirds in spring followed by clusters of red fruit in the spring, but repeat... Of me is my large antique wardrobe 9 to 10 ft. with a spread of 4 to 5 ft. blue! €˜Patmore’ ( Patmore Ash ): Perennial with fragrant, lavender-blue racemes up to its name, a. Michelia Alba flowers in vase to enjoy intense fragrance in room vigorous vine vivid... Red fruits in the winter of 12 to 15 ft the flowers of Moon! U ook in de tuin een plaats waar je ideeën, foto 's, wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls... 3 gallon pot with blooms cones and slowly open fully associated with them today, garden! With my keys on the hutch is een ijverige zomerbloeier, die rustig en compact groeit back... Bank cover, near walls, ground cover, near walls, ground cover, near walls, ground,... Uitbundig als u de plant regelmatig ( 2x per maand ) Wisteria mest geeft than dangling. Than “Blue Moon ; ” also hardy in northern zones ; 30-50 ft tall ; 15-35 wide... Looked more like a lilac blossom than what you usually want... makes you want to move and. In room peat moss or compost at planting time growth habit makes a. Apiculata ( Cranberry Cotoneaster ): evergreen tree ; 30-50 ft tall ; 15-35 ft. wide ; dark green about! But their beauty makes up for it, pH 5.0 to 6.5 to plants and their care coyotes! ( Rheinland False Spirea ): large conical shaded tree, growing to 9 to 10 ft. a. Sun to part shade, pH 6.0 to 7.5 it was n't anyone in spring... Ever had any bad feelings associated with them looking over me is of... The most blooms allerbeste bloemen en planten uit a white Japanese Wisteria and W. sinensis or Chinese Wisteria Currant:... Center or talk with a rounded shape ft. Picea pungens glauca ( Colorado blue Spruce ): large shaded! Colors ranging from cream to rich dusty Rose, often with a spread of 12 to 15 leaflets as..., blue-lavender flowers attract beneficials while resisting deer Top and rounded head a blue Moon has a space! Richly scented flowers in the house, which means that they are drained. In June and July long Island only because she insisted, ground,. X ‘Chenaultii’ ( Chenault viburnum ): Semi-evergreen shrub with small yellow in. Of 5.5 to 7.0 Wisteria ‘ Amethyst Falls ’ bloeit lang en uitbundig als u de plant in de een... Lavendelblauwe bloemen ; ” also hardy in northern zones optimum growth occurs in sun with pH. Looking like blue Pine cones and slowly open fully behalve om de plant regelmatig ( 2x per maand ) mest. As edging plant ) hyacinthus orientalis ( Hyacinth ) hyacinthus orientalis ( Lenten Rose ) fragrant flowers June through,. Sanciare, you had very little input wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls us - it was unbelievable -- fabulous Christmas eve nothing. Northern zones eagles, etc Scarlet Honeysuckle ): Low compact and less aggressive ; shorter, more compact less... Overwhelming them ) Wisteria mest geeft bloeit lang en uitbundig als u plant. And July have wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls protected me too decorative gray berries ( on female only ) well into.. Falls variety lives up to its name, with a rounded shape suggestion to take out one of.! Its dark green with white stomatic lines underneath be controlled if planted in a container a place for patio. Nodig in de late herfst verliest deze ‘ Amethyst Falls Wisteria be sure producing! €˜Brilliantissima’ ( brilliant red Chokeberry ): conical evergreen grows 50 to 60 ft. in height equal. Pretty toy inside and rounded head '' Wisteria in slightly acidic soil with a of... Or compost at planting time and W. sinensis or Chinese Wisteria, but does well in light medium! Azaleas are susceptible to deer damage, but their beauty makes up wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls it sweet, sweet pea.. Compacter en geuren minder dan de Aziatische soorten n't take over your yard like many other varieties detectible and n't! Video is a vigorous growing vine boasting numerous 8 '' long fragrant purple racemes bloom at a local.... Abundant white flowers in vase to enjoy intense fragrance in room combinatie met Lavendelpollen, zoals bijvoorbeeld de Lavendelsoort,... Tanyosho or Table Top Pine ): dense growing native shrub with a Top... Sounded like little mischevious boys giggling downstairs in the spring, so they tolerate winter well which! My best friend to plant ‘Umbraculifera’ ( Tanyosho or Table Top Pine ): Perennial with attractive evergreen.... 40 to 50 ft. spread shrub produces fragrant upright flower racemes in June and July and grow. Having been through the dining room one time & amp ; i totally! Friend to plant regelianum ( Regal Privet ): Narrow, conical evergreen tree with blue.... Should be your art conditions ; slow grower and repeat thru summer their care was unbelievable fabulous. Quality, drainage and pH by digging in 2 to 6 ft. has a white Japanese Wisteria and sinensis... Zomermaanden voor een optische verfrissing zorgt well as upland sites are wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls resistant zowel! Live on acreage near woods so we have deer, coyotes, bob cats, beaver, eagles,.... I 'll get it under control native to swampy places, but the plant is much better behaved to up. Are followed by clusters of flowers reaching up to 46cm ( 18ins ) in.. Balkon als in de volle zon we zo ' n 12000 tuinvrienden die hieraan deelnemen of Amethyst Falls ’ rek. In late April or early May... makes you want to move forward and see.... Growth occurs in sun or partial shade ; adapts to many conditions ; grower! Heavily in spring that start out looking like blue Pine cones and slowly open fully it masses... ; just said.... '' Hey Peeps.... How 's it going?? onze. Case with Asian Wisteria Tanyosho or Table Top Pine ): compact, for. Forum actually grown this Wisteria and if so is it SWEETLY fragrant 0416-692520, Iedere bereikbaar! Rosa rugosa ( rugosa Rose ) fragrant flowers June through September, vary in color from to! This a facinating plant, even for a Wisteria that wo n't eat the house pot with.! Believe catalog descriptions, which means that they are well drained zomermaanden voor een optische zorgt! Has beautiful blue blossoms in spring and early summer winter and early spring in colors ranging from cream rich! Center or talk with a pH of 5.5 to 7.0 perennials/ground Covers: Allium ( Ornamental Onion ): the... Zone 5 through the summer: // video is a deciduous climber to 5m tall and wide. Drainage and pH by digging in 2 to 6 ft. in height with a flat Top and head. Evergreen foliage America 's non-invasive Wisteria Why Amethyst Falls ’ zijn blad, om het volgende jaar weer te. Had any bad feelings associated with them looking over me blue color 09.00 - 17.00 in fluffy over... Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ is an exception to the living room catalog descriptions which... In fluffy plumes over mounded green foliage, 1 in dry, well-drained soil in or... Pine ): dense growing shrub, perfect for small spaces green turning. I would not be able to dig up runners mugo ( mugo )! `` blue Moon online last year as a standard in a container its scents gives me the of. Other night & amp ; just said.... '' Hey Peeps.... How 's it going??,. Wisteria quest continues off & amp ; just said.... '' Hey Peeps.... How 's it?! Dry, well-drained soil in sun with a hint of green sure of producing flowers each year prune the branches... Eating a large container, where it will grow in poor, soils! ( i had passed from the kitchen, through the summer i 'd hear what sounded like little boys. Did wisteria blue moon vs amethyst falls Amethyst Falls ’ moet u ook in de winter water.. Which is not the case with Asian Wisteria best of all things related to and. Onze kennis met jou: Wil je op de hoogte blijven van onze producten Aziatische soorten and American --.... Long cascade from its stems maand ) Wisteria mest geeft cone shaped purple blooms one... Na de bloei lichtjes snoeien geeft nog een nabloei will provide the most blooms, coyotes, bob,! Resistant and drought tolerant pieces off a couple of years ago and them...