You may also conduct the annual pruning of lavender shrubs in very early spring to encourage attractive new leaves and flowers, which may be delayed a month by the pruning maintenance. It can also be pruned now, just cut back about 25% all over, but I would normally prune it in spring, when the other lavenders are looking good. (see image) Following a harsh winter season as seen during the winter of 2013-14 (see 2014 Winter Blog) you may want to prune the entire lavender bush down to the bare woody hedge. Pruning will help your plants grow fuller with more branches and maximise blossom production for the lifetime of your plants.Tips for successful pruning:(1) Prune lavender only in the spring, while the plant is still in winter dormancy or once green growth is noticed, but prior to bud formation, if possible (usually the month of May). Making A Rusty Iron Planter Beautiful Again, Building A Flagstone Garden Retreat While Sheltering-In-Place, A Restored Iron Bench Becomes A Place For Solitude. Pruning & harvesting lavender (LEFT)has a specific method on where to cut to reduce stress on the plant. Before pruning, it’s important to understand which type of lavender you have. This forces lavender to create new growth which increases the yield of lavender and would keep the bush from going woody. You can prune the whole plant down to 1/3 of its size. This ‘How to prune lavender’ guide contains all the necessary knowledge that you need to start pruning lavender like a pro. When to Prune Lavender Bushes. Pruning lavender in spring is most effective as the new growth is starting to appear. If you’re not sure a stem is alive, lightly scratch the surface and see if its green and alive, or light brown and dead. Pruning English lavender. Refinishing a Mid-century Modern Table – Part 2, Get up close and personal with the lavender plant that needs pruning, First, look it over closely to observe new growth as well as where to prune woody lavender stems, Notice the exact point where there are green lavender leaves but there are brown stems just below, Never cut into a brown branch below the green shoots. This encourages the plant to branch. Why you need to prune lavender? Pruning is necessary to extend the life of the plant. Pruning is essential for the health of Lavender. The best time to prune Lavender is in the spring season. Don’t prune your lavender after late August. Pruning Lavender after the First Year Lavender plants should be pruned once per year, preferably in the spring, just before new growth starts. Pruning lavender at the end of the growing season, in late summer to fall, can help open the plant’s interior to allow good air circulation. lavender. Enjoy "tucking your lavender in" for the winter. It is known and recommended to prune two leaf sets above the woody growth. March through May, early spring is the best time to prune. Cut off about 2/3 of the plant’s height or to just above the bottom two sets of leaves on each stem. Look for green (living) lavender leaves and cut stem just above those leaves, Vigorous grower with a very strong fragrance, Produces large, deep violet flower spikes up to 6 inches long, Grows 24′-36″ tall within a tight mound of silver-green foliage, Thrives in full sun in dry to medium dry, well-drained soils, Prune it low in spring once you see new leaves (this is important! By pruning and trimming regularly, you ensure that they grow into lovely plants. The amount of pruning also varies depending on variety, as some lavenders need lighter pruning than others. With these pruning tips at the ready, mark "prune the lavender" on your calendar this fall well before the first frosts arrive. Lavender is an amazing medicinal plant. We have tips for getting it back into shape, and when and where to cut for pruning. THankfully, some of the longest stems have touched down and rooted! Prune early bloomers in springafter the first flush of growth. Summer pruning, which helps to keep the plant looking nice and encourages more flowers, is optional. How to prune lavender After that, I just prune it a bit sometime in mid-October, just to make sure the bushes are kept nice and rounded. For most lavender varieties, pruning is best done during spring, summer, or fall after harvest. This time, I have carefully filed one of the detailed Lavender plant tags for future reference. Dead stems and limbs neither look good on the plant, nor are good for the health of the plant. You should wind up with a rounded mound. How to prune new lavender plants Start pruning lavender when it’s small to encourage your new plant to focus on making more roots and branching stems, which results in a nice mounded habit later. For those "leggy" verities, you might need to pay more attention to keep them in a nice shape. The first year you plant it, it may only produce a few stalks of flowers. Wait until the second year to trim a lavender shrub. For example, L. stoechus cultivars need pruning in summer, right after the first flowers; this will protect the plant from winter snowfall. You Might Also Like: Lavender Sugar Scrub DIY Potting Bench Growing Herbs in Pots Easy Flowers to Grow Published: Feb. 28, 2018. Now that you have understood how pruning your lavender will help it grow and become vibrant, let’s get on how to actually prune it the right way. Pruning Lavender in autumn or early spring . Lavender is very easy to prune. Is your lavender getting out of hand? How to prune the different types of lavender. The first time you trim lavender, during its second year of growth, you may only get a handful of stalks. Trim them in the afternoon where the oils are at their strongest. Lavender should be pruned in the second year after the plantation. Lavender can grow out of control unless it is forced into submission! Now, it’s up to you to make use of all this information and up your game of lavender farming. Trim them in the afternoon where the oils are at their strongest. How to Prune your Lavender Plant? Ideally, you should prune lavender twice a year – once in the spring just as the fresh growth starts coming in, and once in the summer right after it’s done blooming. In order to avoid plucking, use some shears or scissors instead to do the job. It isn’t hard to learn how to trim a lavender with woody stems. This reduces stress on the plant by avoiding pruning into the woody growth which can lead to rot. As winter comes, the Lavender’s branches, if allowed to get woody, will get cracked from the cold temperature. Once bright and fragrant, the lavender plant starts to look woody with dead wood, bearing a smaller number of those trademark fragrant flowers, after about six to eight years of plantation. At a minimum, trim back the plant in the spring after flowering or in the fall to maintain the shape. Log in, Disclaimer    |    Privacy Policy    |    Terms & Conditions. Don’t prune if it’s winter. Spring pruning prevents flowering but encourages branching, allowing the new lavender to develop strong roots and a full framework of branches. However, by that time, the oils won’t be that strong for use in essential oils. A question you might think right now is do I really need to prune my Lavender? Do more extensive pruning early in spring as new green growth emerges at the base of the plant. You should wind up with a rounded mound. Refinishing A Mid-century Modern Side Table – Done! While the plant is in bloom, usually in mid-summer, gather up the flower stalks and once again prune the plant back to 2 - 3 inches above where the soft, green growth begins on the lower part of the plant. When planting lavender, prune plants lightly, removing all growing tips. For a beautiful flowering Lavender bush prune them in spring. All is not lost though. The toughest semi-shrub around, every sunny garden needs this heavenly scented staple. The best time to prune Lavender is in the spring season. The central stems are left slightly longer than the side stems to induce a mounded habit which is lavender’s signature shape which allows for maximum sun exposure for vigorous growth. Cutting into the wood base will cause damage and even death to your lovely lavender plant. Pruning in spring can delay floweringwhich might be your preferenceand is a good time to take down dead, winter-killed parts and shorten growth to the fat, vigorous buds. Pruning lavender is an essential step for growing quality lavender for a long period without a need to replant. How to trim your lavender shrubs to avoid overgrowth. The best time for when to prune lavender is in the spring just as the new growth is starting to come in. In subsequent years, it will produce an ever-larger bush of flowers. It is easy, simple and only have few key points: Prune 1/3 of the entire plant, reshaping into a nice mound shape. Take care not to cut into the woody part of the plant which can cause damage. Season is the main consideration when deciding whether to prune your lavender or not. Unlike many perennial plants and shrubs that can be pruned now, it is best to wait to prune lavender until after bloom in spring or in early fall before any danger of frost. Fill plastic pots with peat-free multi-purpose compost, water and then push the cuttings into the compost. If done properly, lavender plant can continue to grow for as long as 20 years. This ensures a good shape of the plant with a lot of expected blooming growth as the plant matures. Go heavier on an old plant but never cut down to the wood base. I prune my lavender at the harvest time which is here, where I live, in the middle of the summer (early July). Prune these lavender in spring when all frost is finished for the season. Use this same technique every year as new growth starts to appear. However, there is a right time for everything. After the plant is done flowering, cut back all the stems to about one third. Follow the contours of the plant. Second Year Lavender Pruning . All of these acts together help in maintaining the health of the plant and even improves productivity too! Without regular pruning, the plant becomes a woody mess and can develop several problems due to entrapment of water. If уоu ѕее a lоt оf frеѕh growth оn thе рlаnt, іt іѕ ѕаfе tо start рrunіng. Too Many Fall Leaves? When you are pruning lavender, it is best to do it regularly and spring is a great time to start. All lavenders bloom on the stems that grew in the current year. But the lavender specialists at Downderry say that English lavender needs hard pruning. Don’t shear straight across. However, this can be a fun and easy job and should be carried out twice a year — once lightly after flowering and again later to neaten summer's growth. Is it really worth it?”. It also assists in increasing the yield of lavender. Although you may be tempted to prune earlier, it is best to wait until you see a little green before removing the dead tips of branches and old flowers. Spring pruning prevents flowering but encourages branching, allowing the new lavender to develop strong roots and a full framework of branches. How To Clean A Lichen And Moss Covered Awning? Regular pruning twice a year gives your plant time regenerate fresh flowers and … Only try this drastic pruning in the spring. Pruning time is important, timing is seasonal pruning as well as pruning that depend of how old is your plant. Trim them in the afternoon where the oils are at their strongest. Our website also offers a lot of guides as well such as How to Prune Avocado Tree and How to Prune Pepper Plant. Usually lavender plants grow old and woody after 6 to 10 years. That way you have lavender in … This should clear the misunderstanding about Lavender. Pruning Lavender is Essential Chris Mulder, Barn Owl Nursery In my experience, I have found that pruning lavender plants in the spring and summer, and lightly in September, helps them to look and grow better, over a longer period of time. If you want to enjoy the fragrance of your Lavender much longer, then you may postpone as much as a few weeks from pruning your Lavender. With this heavy pruning, the plants may require fertilizer and more water to encourage new growth on the woody stems. How will it benefit my Lavender? French lavender is shorter-lived and less hardy, so more likely to be affected by frost or poor weather. Wait to cut back until after the last hard frost, or when you see new growth starting in the spring. Although you may be tempted to prune earlier, it is best to wait until you see a little green before removing the dead tips of branches and old flowers. If all the green is gone, your plant will die. Before pruning, wipe the shears with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol to disinfect them, and then disinfect the shears each time you begin pruning a new plant. The technique in this post is for English lavender, not French lavender but the method is similar. It’s important to prune a few months before winter sets in to prevent frost and breakage from the snow. One of Europe’s favourite lavender is the ‘Munstead’; a semi-shrub attractive in pots or containers. Your email address will not be published. As much as possible when pruning, avoid pruning the plant by plucking it. Comment below! Bеfоrе уоu prune bасk lаvеndеr рlаntѕ, tаkе a gооd look аt уоur рlаnt tо mаkе ѕurе thеrе іѕ еnоugh nеw growth. Before pruning, wipe the shears with a cloth soaked in isopropyl alcohol to disinfect them, and then disinfect the shears each time you begin pruning a new plant. Lavender limbs can appear to be dead during dormant winter season when they are actually not. When to prune lavender? This is a necessary precaution to do to avoid potentially spreading diseases to your plant, especially much needed to do when you are cutting from stem to stem. Build A Compost Bin! The best time to prune back lavender is after it has bloomed, most often in spring or early fall. Before we answer these questions, we first need to first discuss and understand what pruning is. They associate Lavender with only fragrance and dismiss the idea of planting Lavender. Let It Grow And Prune Every Spring! Before you start the actual pruning, make sure to follow some of these tips first. Not only is its fragrance calming and relaxing, but it is also anti-septic and anti-inflammatory. The dotted line in the illustration above shows you how to cut foliage and any flowers back by one-third to one half before planting. Lavender essential oil is a common ingredient in home cleaning products. Follow the contours of the plant. You prune English lavender by cutting it back by two thirds in the second half of August and you can cut into the bare wood, if needed. So, this ‘How to Prune Lavender’ guide is very important for us if we are to have any chance of growing lavender successfully. Regular pruning twice a year gives your plant time regenerate fresh flowers and … It is commonly used in skin care items like body scrubs, lotions, creams etc. While the plant is in bloom, usually in mid-summer, gather up the flower stalks and once again prune the plant back to 2 - 3 inches above where the soft, green growth begins on the lower part of the plant. Pruning lavender after flowering is ideal, but if you miss the window, don’t fret. Doing so will encourage branching growth and limit the development of a woody core at the base of the plant. Trim the lavenders when you have noticed that the flowers are blooming, this typically occurs in the spring or summer season. promotes fuller growth and more flowers for next season. Prune your Lavender plants just as the new growth begins, cutting back as to leave some new shoots at the base of each branch. Prune Yearly. Pruning lavender is all about ensuring that this perennial plant thrives year after year. Your email address will not be published. Your plant should be quite a bit larger this year, with more blooms. How to prune lavender. You want to avoid cutting into the woody base of the plant. Woody parts cannot produce new growth. A good rule for your "green" thumb is — brown is bad, green is good. Good news - it's not too late to prune your lavender... For those of you kicking yourselves because you didn't get your lavender perfectly pruned last year, don't panic. How to Prune Lavender in the Spring? Do you have any questions, thoughts, and tips you’d want to share with us? It is recommended to trim them early. You can slot your lavender pruning when it works for you, as long as you complete it by early spring. So, waiting for the spring to arrive before starting to prune dead lavender helps ensure whether the limbs are really dead. Though certainly pruning your Lavender will help the plant grow much healthier and much more productive, there are even more benefits pruning your Lavender plant can give you. I planned for a full bed of Lavender so I’ve relocated my very heavy, concrete planters to allow the Lavender to fill the space. Time doesn’t wait for anyone and the same is also true for the lavender plant. For main pruning, cut the plant back to about ten to fifteen centimetres above the ground. Pruning living limbs can stimulate fragile new growth susceptible to cold damage during winter. Look for new growth spouting through near the base of your plant and cut an inch (2.5cm) above the new growth. Pruning the very first year would divert the focus of the plant towards the growth of leaves rather than the roots and thus the plant would be weak. Pruning in late-summer or early-fall encourages good air circulation, which guards again… The basic rule of pruning lavender is not to trim into brown, dead wood. Regular pruning stimulates plant for new growth. However, it does depend on the variety. There are many species, but the two most popular varieties are English and French lavender. If you forget, wait until spring, when foliage growth is just starting. Now I can toss out the old plant and start over the right way. Established lavender plants are usually heavily pruned. Generally the best time to prune lavender is once the flowers have faded, so now sounds good. Why not allow the Lavender to become woody you may ask, but if you want your Lavender to remain appealing, you really wouldn’t want to do that. Pruning your lavandin in early spring will keep your plant from getting too leggy. Trim the lavenders when you have noticed that the flowers are blooming, this typically occurs in the spring or summer season. This may not be necessary, though it can help to keep plants healthy and full. Spring pruning is usually a light trim that is undertaken in order to remove any foliage that is frost damaged or untidy after winter. If you have lavender plants that were not pruned back last fall, and if you are located in Western Washington, there is still time to prune your lavender back for the spring. Nothing could be further from the truth. Lavender does not tolerate pruning like many rose varieties that you can prune right down to the base of the plant. Trim the lavenders when you have noticed that the flowers are blooming, this typically occurs in the spring or summer season. In late autumn, it can induce an early frost which can lead to an early end of growing season. You need to cut right down into the brown part, where little lavender shoots can just been seen. As you can see, there isn’t much science involved in pruning lavender. You should not trim into brown, dead wood to induce new growth. Flowers, though still fragrant, grow sparse. It is a running joke* in the Olson family that every spring my mother, Susan the Purpled, is convinced that all of the lavender has died and our fields will need to be completely re-planted. Prune early bloomers in springafter the first flush of growth. When planting lavender, prune plants lightly, removing all growing tips. The best time to prune Lavender is in the spring season. Waiting to prune Lavender bushes back hard until much of the harsh winter weather has subsided will mean less stress to your plant and also allow you to remove any winter killed growth that sometimes happens over cold winter. If you still are reluctant on starting lavender farming, you really are missing out on a lot here. Prune back about 1/3 of the new growth each … How to Prune Lavender in the Spring? If the lavender plant is especially lopsided, is partially dead or lacks vigor, prune back the plant further, but not too much. The best time to prune subshrubs that bloom in spring and early summer is when leaf buds emerge in spring. The best time to prune lavender is after flowering, but this plant is forgiving. Always make sure there are green leaves left on your lavender when you are done pruning. Same is true for cutting back dead lavender stems. These are just a few of the many benefits that Lavender has. At a minimum, trim back the plant in the spring after flowering or in the fall to maintain the shape. Your email address will not be published. Take semi-ripe lavender cuttings in late summer. Now that you have decided to grow some Lavender in your home garden, this ‘How to Prune Lavender’ guide will walk you through the basics of pruning Lavender so that you reap maximum benefits of the Lavender. With all the uses and benefits which lavender offers, and its amazing resilience and growth potential, you can’t really go wrong. If nоt, gіvе іt a little mоrе time tо grоw. The same can be said for pruning Lavender plants. If it’s not winter, and the limbs are really dead, remove all the way to the living part of plant. To keep your plant young and resilient, learn to prune it. Also, make sure to follow the steps we are providing so that your Lavender grows healthy and productive. In winter, due to freezing of the trapped water, the woody parts of the plant can split. My Lavender is overgrown, woody, with lots of deadwood this Spring... due to not pruning it far enough for 5 years. While pruning in spring can delay flowering, it is a good time to trim away dead or damaged parts. If you want to enjoy the fragrance of your Lavender much longer, then you may postpone as much as a few weeks from pruning your Lavender. For those of you kicking yourselves because you didn't get your lavender perfectly pruned last year, don't panic. Let me count a few of the many benefits, that Lavender has, for you. Required fields are marked *. ). However, lavender should not be pruned during the winter. Pull off some of the lower leaves. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You see, the parts that we are trimming of the plant are the dead branches, leaves, or roots that have the disease on them, or cutting off buds to encourage the plant to be much bushier. Most varieties of lavender can be trimmed back by a third to a half. 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